Clause Structure and Utterance Meaning:

Word Order, Particles, Emphasis


People working on the project

Prof. Josef Bayer

Department of Linguistics

University of Konstanz

PD Dr. Andreas Trotzke

Department of Linguistics

University of Konstanz

Yvonne Viesel, MA

PhD Student

Department of Linguistics

University of Konstanz & University of Stuttgart

Dr. Stefano Quaglia

Cooperation partner

Department of Linguistics

University of Konstanz

Dr. Sibansu Mukhopadhyay

Cooperation partner in India

Society for Natural Language Technology Research


Laura Dörre, MA

PhD Student

Department of Linguistics

University of Konstanz

Dr. Giuseppina Turco

Cooperation partner

Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie

CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle

Prof. Probal Dasgupta

Cooperation partner in India

Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)

Linguistic Research Unit
