Webschrift for Josef Bayer

Edited by Ellen Brandner, Anna Czypionka, Constantin Freitag & Andreas Trotzke


Contents [download whole webschrift]


Ellen Brandner, Anna Czypionka & Andreas Trotzke


Werner Abraham

Dokthonorium: What Wikipedia should tell about Josef

Iris Bräuning, Laura Dörre, Constantin Freitag, Alexandra Rehn & Yvonne Viesel

Exceptive negation in Middle Low German

Anne Breitbarth

What do you do if you don’t have modal particles?

Anna Cardinaletti

A note on ‘other’

Guglielmo Cinque

Wide wh-scope from a postverbal adjunct in Bangla

Probal Dasgupta

Is ergative case structural or inherent: Evidence from intransitive verbs

Alice Davison

Merge und EFS

Urs Egli

The Hare and the Hedgehog

Gisbert Fanselow

When low adverbs are high: On adverb movement in Abruzzese

Jacopo Garzonio & Cecilia Poletto

Variation in Dutch COMP

Janet Grijzenhout

Entity-denoting amount relatives: The ‘smoking gun’

Alexander Grosu & Ion Giurgea

Wià effdà daß mà nochdenggd - Koàn bessàn weàds need findn!

Hubert Haider

Josef, lies ock! Über den coverten grammatischen Zusammenhalt von Anrede-Konstruktionen und die Grammatikalisierung von satztypenspezifischen Partikeln

Rüdiger Harnisch

Wenn denn denn lizenziert ist: The German discourse particle denn in conditionals

Jana Häussler

Josef: Felicitation and some reminiscences

  1. K.A. Jayaseelan

In search of wh-in-situ in Romance: An investigation in detective stories

Georg Kaiser & Stefano Quaglia

Happy Birthday, dear Josef!

Jaklin Kornfilt

Designed to be free

Masayuki Oishi

Superfluous z in Swiss German

Martin Salzmann

“I’m not sure what kind of a ban that FIFA has in mind” and other uncertainties of modern life

Manuela Schönenberger

How many Ps in a pod? A few remarks on the status of P in the pool of syntactic categories

Henk van Riemsdijk

Griaßde Sepp! Josef, Bavarian, and linguistics

Helmut Weiß

The domain of quantifier raising

Susi Wurmbrand

Dutch between German and English (in honor of Josef Bayer)

Jan-Wouter Zwart