Parentheticals and related constructions: A  bibliography

This bibliography was originally composed for two courses on Parentheticals in English, taught at the University of Konstanz in winter 2006/07 and at FU Berlin in summer 2007. 
If you work on parentheticals or related constructions, please help me build up and maintain this bibliography by pointing out to me missing references or erroneous entries (
 Many thanks -- Nicole.

-- note that this bibliography is not being updated anymore --

last entry: 14 Apr 2015 by Nicole Dehé

ABALADA, Silvana & Aida Cardoso. 2015. The Vocative in European Portuguese: Prosodic Effects of its position in the sentence. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 333-354.

ACKEMA, Peter & Ad NEELEMAN. 2004. Beyond Morphology. Interface Conditions on Word Formation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 4 in particular)

ADLI, Aria. 2005. Die Extraktions- vs. Parenthesedebatte: Eine Diskussion anhand französischer Daten. In Deutsche Romanistik - generativ, ed. Georg A. Kaiser, Tübingen: Narr. 13-30.

ALTMANN, Hans. 1981. Formen der "Herausstellung" im Deutschen: Rechtsversetzung, Linksversetzung, Freies Thema und verwandte Konstruktionen (= Linguistische Arbeiten 106). Tübingen: Niemeyer.

ARNOLD, Doug. 2007. Non-restrictive relative clauses are not orphans. Journal of Linguistics 43(2): 271-309.

ARNOLD, Doug & Robert D. BORSLEY. 2008. Non-restrictive relative clauses, ellipsis and anaphora. In Proceedings of the HPSG08 Conference, ed. Stefan Müller, Stanford: CSLI Publications. (available from R. Borsley's research page)

ASHER, Nicholas. 2000. Truth conditional discourse semantics for parentheticals. Journal of Semantics 17(1): 31-50.

ASTRUC, Lluisa. 2003. Sentence external elements in Catalan. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 2: 15-31. (available online)

ASTRUC, Lluisa. 2005. The intonation of extra-sentential elements in Catalan and English. Doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge.

ASTRUC-AGUILERA, Lluisa & Francis Nolan. 2007. Variation in the intonation of extra-sentential elements. In Pilar Prieto, Joan Mascaró & Maria-Josep Solé (eds.), Segmental and Prosodic Issues in Romance Phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

ASTRUC-AGUILERA, Lluisa & Francis Nolan. 2007. Variation in the intonation of sentential adverbs in English and Catalan. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Tomas Riad (eds.), Tones and Tunes, Volume I: Typological and Comparative Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 233-263.

AURAN, Cyril & Rudy LOOCK. 2010. Appositive relative clauses and their prosodic realization in spoken discourse. A corpus study of phonetic aspects in British English. In Constraints in Discourse 2 [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 194], Peter Kühnlein, Anton Benz & Candace L. Sidner (eds.), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 163-178.

AURAN, Cyril & Rudy LOOCK. 2011. The prosody of discourse functions: The case of appositive relative clauses in spoken British English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 7(2): 181-201.

AXEL, Katrin & Tanja Kiziak. 2007. Contributing to the extraction/parenthesis debate: Judgment studies and historical data. In Roots: Linguistics in  Search of its evidential base, Sam Featherston & Wolfgang Sternefeld (eds.), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 29-51. 

BANIK, Eva. 2008. An integrated architecture for generating parenthetical constructions. Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Student Research Workshop (Companion Volume), pp. 7-12. Columbus. (available here)

BASSARAK, Armin. 1985. Zu den Beziehungen zwischen Parenthesen und ihren Trägersätzen. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 38(4): 368-375.

BASSARAK, Armin. 1987. Parenthesen als illokutive Handlungen. In Satz, Text, sprachliche Handlung [studia grammatica 25], ed. Wolfgang Motsch, Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 163-178

BAYER, Josef. 2005. Was beschränkt die Extraktion? Subjekt - Objekt vs. Topic - Fokus. In
Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie, Franz Josef d'Avis (ed.), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 233-257 (available from Josef Bayer's homepage).

BAYER, Klaus. 1973. Verteilung und Funktion der sogenannten Parenthese in Texten gesprochener Sprache. Deutsche Sprache 1: 64-115.

BECKMANN, Mary & Jan Edwards. 1990. Lengthenings and shortenings and the nature of prosodic constituency. In Papers in Laboratory Phonology I, John Kongston & Mary Beckmann (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 127-145.

BERRENDONNER, Alain. 2008. Pour une praxéologie des parenthèses. Verbum XXX (1): 5-23.

BETTEN, Anne. 1976. Ellipsen, Anakoluthe und Parenthesen - Fälle für Grammatik, Stilistik, Sprechakttheorie oder Konversationsanalyse? Deutsche Sprache 4: 207-230.

BING, Janet M. 1985. Aspects of English Prosody. New York/ London: Garland.

BLAKEMORE, Diane. 1991. Performatives and parentheticals. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXXXXXI, 197-213.

BLAKEMORE, Diane. 2005. and-parentheticals. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 1165-1181.

BLAKEMORE, Diane. 2006. Divisions of labour. The analysis of parentheticals. Lingua 116: 1670-1687.

BLAKEMORE, Diane. 2007. Or-parentheticals, that is-parentheticals and the pragmatics of reformulation. Journal of Linguistics 43(2): 311-339.

BOLINGER, Dwight. 1989. Intonation and its Uses - Melody in Grammar and Discourse. London: Edward Arnold. (pp. 185ff in particular)

BOLLY, Catherine. 2014. Gradience and gradualness of parentheticals: Drawing a line in the sand between phraseology and grammaticalization. Journal of Phraseology 5: 25-56.

BRANDT, Margareta 1996. Subordination und Parenthese als Mittel der Informationsstrukturierung in Texten. In Ebenen der Textstruktur, Wolfgang Motsch (ed.), Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 211-240.

BRINTON, Laurel J. 2008. The Comment Clause in English: Syntactic Origins and Pragmatic Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BURTON-ROBERTS, Noel. 1999. Language, linear precedence and parentheticals.
In The Clause in English, Peter Collins & David Lee (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 33-52.

BURTON-ROBERTS, Noel. 2006. Parentheticals. In Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edition, Vol. 9), ed. Keith Brown, Elsevier Science. 179-182.

CERQUEIRO, Fátima Faya. 2015. An approach to parenthetical courtesy markers in requests in Late Modern English. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 135-162.

CID, Aranzazu García. 1995. Parenthesen, Einschübe und Kommentare: Zur Klassifikation von Nebenprädikaten in gesprochenen spanischen Texten. Arbeitspapier 25, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln.

CORVER, Norbert & Craig THIERSCH. 2002. Remarks on parentheticals. In Progress in Grammar. Articles at the 20th Anniversary of the Comparison of Grammatical Models Group in Tilburg, M. van Oostendorp & E. Anagnostopoulou (eds.). Online publications, available here.

COOPER, William E. & John M. Sorensen. 1981. Fundamental Frequency in Sentence Production. New York/ Heidelberg/ Berlin: Springer. (pp. 72ff. in particular)

COSTA, J. 2010
. Prosodic prominence: A syntactic matter? In The  Sound Patterns of Syntax, Nomi Erteschik-Shir & Lisa Rochman (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. 93-109.

CRYSTAL, David. 1969. Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

CULICOVER, Peter W. 1992. English tag questions in Universal Grammar. Lingua 88 (3-4): 193-226.

D'AVIS, Franz Josef. 2005. Über Parenthesen. In Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie, Franz Josef d'Avis (ed.), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 259-279.

DEBAISIEUX, Jeanne-Marie. 2008. Les insertions de constructions à verbe fini dans la chaîne parlée: structures syntaxiques et modes de réalisation.
Verbum XXX (1): 25-35.

DEL GOBBO, Francesca. 2007. On the syntax and semantics of appositive relative clauses. 
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 173-201.

DELAIS-ROUSSARIE, Elisabeth. 2008. Prosodie incidente et structure prosodique.
Verbum XXX (1): 37-52.

DEHÉ, Nicole. 2007. The relation between syntactic and prosodic parenthesis. 
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 261-284.

DEHÉ, Nicole. 2009. Clausal parentheticals, intonational phrasing, and prosodic theory. Journal of Linguistics 45(3): 569-615.

DEHÉ, Nicole. 2014. Parentheticals in Spoken English: The Syntax-Prosody Relation [Studies in English Language]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

DEHÉ, Nicole & Bettina BRAUN. 2013. The prosody of question tags in English. English Language and Linguistics 17(1): 129-156.

DEHÉ, Nicole & Yordanka KAVALOVA. 2006. The syntax, pragmatics and prosody of parenthetical what. English Language & Linguistics 10 (2): 289-320.

DEHÉ, Nicole & Yordanka KAVALOVA (eds.) 2007.
Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106]. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

DEHÉ, Nicole & Yordanka KAVALOVA. 2007. Parentheticals: An introduction.
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-22.

DEHÉ, Nicole & Anne WICHMANN. 2010. 
The multifunctionality of epistemic parentheticals in discourse: prosodic cues to the semantic-pragmatic boundary. Functions of Language 17(1): 1-28.

DESMETS, Marianne & Laurent ROUSSARIE. 2000. French reportive comme clauses: A case of parenthetical adjunction. In Proceedings of the 7th International HPSG-Conference, UC Berkely, Dan Flickinger & Andreas Kathol (eds), 43-62. (available online)

DÖRING, Sandra. 2007. Quieter, faster, lower, and set off by pauses? Reflections on prosodic aspects of parenthetical constructions in modern German.
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 285-307.

DÖRING, Sandra. 2008. Überlegungen zur und-Parenthese im Deutschen. In Annali, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Sezione Germanica, N.S. XVIII, 2: 167-192.

DÖRING, Sandra. 2010. Parenthesen im Deutschen. Untersuchung syntaktischer und prosodischer Aspekte. Doctoral dissertation, Universität Leipzig, Germany.

DOWNING, Bruce T. 1970. Syntactic structure and phonological phrasing in English.  Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas / Austin.

DOWNING, Bruce T. 1973. Parenthesization rules and obligatory phrasing. Papers in Linguistics 6: 108-128.

DUVALLON, Outi & Sara ROUTARINNE. 2005. Parenthesis as a resource in the grammar of conversation. In Syntax and Lexis in Conversation -- Studies on the use of linguistic resources in talk-in-interaction, Auli Hakulinen & Margret Selting (eds.), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 45-74.

EMONDS, Joseph. 1973. Parenthetical clauses. In You take the high node and I'll take the low node, C. Corum, T.C. Smith-Stark & A. Weiser (eds.), Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 333-347.

EMONDS, Joseph. 1976. A Transformational Approach to English Syntax. Root, Structure-Preserving, and Local Transformations. New York/ San Francisco/ London: Academic Press.

EMONDS, Joseph. 1979. Appositive relatives have no properties. Linguistic Inquiry 10(2): 211-243.

ERTESCHIK-SHIR, Nomi. 2010. The phonology of adverb placement, object shift, and V2: The case of Danish 'MON'. In
The  Sound Patterns of Syntax, Nomi Erteschik-Shir & Lisa Rochman (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. 33-52.

ESPINAL, M. Teresa. 1991. The representation of disjunct constituents. Language 67(4): 726-762.

FAGYAL, Zsuzsanna. 2002. Prosodic boundaries in the vicinity of utterance-medial parentheticals in French. Probus 14: 93-111.

FISCHER, Olga. 2007. The development of English parentheticals: A case of grammaticalization? In Tracing English Through Time. Explorations in Language Variation. Smit, U.,S. Dollinger, J. Hüttner, G. Kaltenböck, U. Lutzky (eds.), Wenen: Braumüller. 99-114.

FORTMANN, Christian. 2005. On parentheticals (in German). In Proceedings of the LFG05 Conference, Bergen, Miriam Butt  & Tracy Holloway King (eds.), 166-185. (available online)

FORTMANN, Christian. 2007. The complement of reduced parentheticals.
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 89-119.

FRASER, Bruce. 1980. Conversational mitigation. Journal of Pragmatics 4 (4): 341-350.

FROTA, Sónia et al. 2005. The phonetics and phonology of intonational phrasing in Romance. Research report GGT 05-13, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

GACHET, Frédéric & Mathieu AVANZI. 2008. La prosodie des parenthèses en francais spontané.
Verbum XXX (1): 53-84.

GRENOBLE, Lenore A. 2004. Parentheticals in Russian. Journal of Pragmatics 36(11): 1953-1974.

GREWENDORF, Günther. 1988. Aspekte der deutschen Syntax. Eine Rektions-Bindungs-Analyse. Tübingen: Narr.

GRIFFITHS, James. 2015. On appositives. PhD Thesis, University of Groningen. Utrecht: LOT.

GRIFFITHS, James. 2015. Parenthetical verb constructions, fragment answers, and constituent modification. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 33(1): 191-229.

GRIFFITHS, James. 2015. Speaker and quote reduced parenthetical clauses. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 71-102.

GRIFFITHS, James & Mark de Vries. 2014. Parenthesis and presupposition in discourse. Linguistics in the Netherlands 31: 39-52.

GROSZ, Barbara & Julia HIRSCHBERG. 1992. Some intonational characteristics of discourse structure. In Proceedings of ICSLP-92, 429-432. Banff. (available from this page)

ş, Güliz. 2014.  Constraints on syntax-prosody correspondence: The case of clausal and subclausal parentheticals in Turkish. Lingua 150: 278-314.

GÜNES, Güliz & Çağrı Çöltekin. 2015. Mapping to prosody: Not all parentheticals are alike. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 287-332.

GUSSENHOVEN, Carlos. 1990. Tonal association domains and the prosodic hierarchy in English. In Studies in the Pronunciation of English. A Commemorative volume in honour of A.C. Gimson, Susan Ramsaran (ed), 27-37. London/ New York: Routledge.

HADDICON, Bill, Anders HOLMBERG, Hidekazu TANAKA & George TSOULAS. 2014. Interrogative slifting in English. Lingua 138: 86-106.

HAEGEMAN, Liliane. 1991. Parenthetical adverbials: the radical orphanage approach. In Aspects of Modern Linguistics: Papers presented to Masatomo Ukaji on his 60th birthday, S. Chiba et al (eds.), Tokyo: Kaitakushi. 232-254.
(republished, with minor editorial changes, in Dislocated Elements in Discourse: Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic Perspectives , ed. by Benjamin Shaer, Philippa Cook, Werner Frey & Claudia Maienborn, New York: Routledge. 331-347.)

HAIDER, Hubert. 1993. ECP-Etüden. Anmerkungen zur Extraktion aus eingebetteten Verb-Zweit-Sätzen. Linguistische Berichte 145: 185-203.

HAIDER, Hubert. 2005. Parenthesen - Evidenz aus Bindungsverhältnissen. In
Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie, Franz Josef d'Avis (ed.), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 281-294.

HAND, Michael. 1993. Parataxis and Parentheticals. Linguistics and Philosophy 16: 495-507.

HANOTE, Sylvie. 2015. Are reporting clauses special cases of parentheticals? In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 259-286.

HANSEN, Gert Foget. 2002. A preliminary investigation of intonation in Danish sentences with parenthetical phrases. In TMH-QPSR Vol. 44 - Fonetik 2002. (available online)

HEDBERG, Nancy & Noureddine Elouazizi. 2015. Epistemic Parenthetical Verb Phrases: C-Command, Semantic Scope and Prosodic Phrasing. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 227-258.

HERINGA, Herman. 2011. Appositional Constructions. Groningen: LOT: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics.

HERINGA, Herman. 2012. A multidominance approach to appositional constructions. Lingua 122(6): 554-581.

HOFFMANN, Ludger. 1998. Parenthesen. Linguistische Berichte 175: 299-328.

HOLMBERG, Anders. 1983. Performer-parentheticals in Swedish, English and French. In Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics I, Fred Karlsson (ed.), 60-79. University of Helsinki: Dept of General Linguistics.

HOOPER, Joan B. 1975. On assertive predicates. In Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 4, J. Kimball (ed.). New York: Academic Press. 91-124.

JAYEZ, Jacques & Corinne ROSSARI. 2004. Parentheticals as conventional implicatures. Center for the Study of Language and Information. (available online; pdf-file)

JOHNSEN, Laure Anne. 2008. Procédés référentiels dans les parenthèses.
Verbum XXX (1): 85-102.

KALTENBÖCK, Gunther. 2005. Charting the boundaries of syntax: a taxonomy of spoken parenthetical clauses. Vienna English Working Papers 14(1): 21-53. (available online)

KALTENBÖCK, Gunther. 2007. Position, prosody, and scope: the case of English comment clauses. Vienna English Working Papers  16(1): 3-38. (available online)

KALTENBÖCK, Gunther. 2007. Spoken parenthetical clauses in English: A taxonomy. In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.),
Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 25-52.

KALTENBÖCK, Gunther. 2010. Pragmatic functions of parenthetical I think. In New Approaches to Hedging [Studies in Pragmatics 9], Gunther Kaltenböck, Wiltrud Mihatsch & Stefan Schneider (eds.), Bingley: Emerald. 237-266.

KALTENBÖCK, Gunther, Bernd Heine & Tania Kuteva. 2011. On thetical grammar. Studies in  Language 35(4): 852-897.

KALTENBÖCKGunther, Bernd Heine & Tania Kuteva. 2015. On theticals: A “rootless” analysis of I think. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 39-70.

KAVALOVA, Yordanka. 2007. And-parenthetical clauses. In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 145-172.

KAWAHARA, Shigeto. 2012. The intonation of nominal parentheticals in Japanese. In Prosody Matters: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Selkirk, Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya & Mariko Sugahara (eds.), Sheffield: Equinox. 304-340.

KIZIAK, Tanja. 2007. Long extraction or parenthetical insertion? Evidence from judgement studies.
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 121-144.

KLUCK, Marlies Kluck & Mark de Vries. 2015. On V2, gaps, and operators in comment and reporting parentheticals. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 103-134.

KNOWLES, John. 1980. The tag as a parenthetical. Studies in Language 4(3): 379-409.

KUTIK, Elanah J, William E. COOPER & Suzanne BOYCE. 1983. Declination and fundamental frequency in speakers' production of parenthetical and main clauses. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 73(5): 1731-1738.

LADD, D. Robert. 1986. Intonational phrasing: the case for recursive prosodic structure. Phonology Yearbook 3: 311-340.

LEE-GOLDMAN, Russell. 2012. Supplemental relative clauses: Internal and external syntax. Journal of Linguistics 48(3): 573-608.

LOCAL, John. 1992. Continuing and restarting. In The Contextualization of Language, Peter Auer & Aldo di Luzio (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 273-296.

LOOCK, Rudy. 2010. Appositive Relative Clauses in English: Discourse Functions and Competing Structures [Studies in Discourse and Grammar 22]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

LÓPEZ-COUSO, María José & Belén MÉNDEZ-NAYA. 2014. From clause to pragmatic marker: A study of the development of like-parentheticals in English. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 15(1): 36-61.

MAZELAND, Harrie. 2007. Parenthetical sequences. Journal of Pragmatics 39(10): 1816-1869.

McCAWLEY, James D. 1982. Parentheticals and discontinuous constituent structure. Linguistic Inquiry 13 (1): 91-106.

MITTWOCH, Anita. 1979. Final parentheticals with English questions. Journal of Pragmatics 3: 401-412.

NEWMEYER, Frederick J. 2015.
Parentheticals and the grammar of complementation. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 13-38.

NOSEK, Jirí. 1973. Parenthesis in modern colloquial English. Prague Studies in English 15: 99-116.

PALACAS, Arthur L. 1989. Parentheticals and personal voice. Written Communication 6: 506-527.

PAYÀ, Marta. 2003. Prosody and pragmatics in parenthetical insertions in Catalan. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 2: 207-227.  (available online)

PETERS, Jörg. 2006. Syntactic and prosodic parenthesis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2-5 May 2006, Dresden.

PETERSON, Peter. 1999. On the boundaries of syntax - Non-syntagmatic relations. In The Clause in English, Peter Collins & David Lee (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 229-250.

PITTNER, Karin. 1995. Zur Syntax von Parenthesen. Linguistische Berichte 156: 85-108.

POTTS, Christopher. 2002. The syntax and semantics of as-parentheticals. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 20: 623-689.

POTTS, Christopher. 2002. The lexical semantics of parenthetical-as and appositive-which. Syntax 5 (1): 55-88.

PRICE, P.J., M. Ostendorf, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel & C. Fong. 1991. The use of prosody in syntactic disambiguation. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America 90(6): 2956-2970.

PRIMUS, Beatrice. 2008. Diese - etwas vernachlässigte - pränominale Herausstellung. In Deutsche Sprache 36: 3-26.

REINHART, Tanya. 1983. Point of view in language - The use of parentheticals. In Essays on Deixis, Gisa Rauh (ed.), Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 169-194.

REIS, Marga. 1995. Wer glaubst du hat recht? On so-called extractions from verb-second clauses and verb-first parenthetical constructions in German. Sprache und Pragmatik 36: 27-83.

REIS, Marga. 2000. On the parenthetical features of German. Was ....W- constructions and how to account for them. In Wh-Scope Marking [Linguistik Aktuell/ Linguistics Today 37], Uli Lutz, Gereon Müller & Arnim v. Stechow (eds), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 359-407.

REIS, Marga. 2002. Wh-movement and integrated parenthetical constructions. In Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Proceedings from the 15th Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax (= Linguistik Aktuell/ Linguistics Today 53), C. Jan-Wouter Zwart & Werner Abraham (eds.). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 3-40.

RICHARD, Elisabeth & Marie-Claude LE BOT. 2008. Pour une définition (très) stricte de la parenthèse à l'oral.
Verbum XXX (1): 103-117.

ROORYCK, Johan. 2001. Evidentiality I. Glot International 5(4): 125-133.

ROORYCK, Johan. 2001. Evidentiality II. Glot International 5(5): 161-168.

ROSS, John Robert. 1973. Slifting. In The Formal Analysis of Natural Languages. Proceedings of the First International Conference, Maurice Gross, Morris Halle & Marcel-Paul Schützenberger (eds.), The Hague/ Paris: Mouton. 133-169.

ROUCHOTA, Villy. 1998. Procedural meaning and parenthetical discourse markers. In Discourse Markers: Descriptions and Theory (Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series, 57), Andreas Jucker & Yael Ziv (eds.), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.: 97-126.

SAFIR, Ken. 1986. Relative clauses in a theory of binding and levels. Linguistic Inquiry 17(4): 663-689.

SCHEFFLER, Tatjana. 2009. Evidentiality and German attitude verbs. U. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 15(1): 183-192.

SCHELFHOUT, Carla, Peter-Arno COPPEN & Nelleke OOSTDIJK. 2003. Positions of parentheticals and interjections. In Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003,
Leonie Cornips & Paula Fikkert (eds.), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.: 155-166.

Peter-Arno COPPEN & Nelleke OOSTDIJK. 2004. Finite comment clauses in Dutch: A corpus-based approach. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 16(4): 331-350.

SCHNEIDER, Stefan. 2007. Reduced Parenthetical Clauses as Mitigators: A Corpus Study of Spoken French, Italian and Spanish (= Studies in Corpus Linguistics 27). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

SCHNEIDER, Stefan. 2007. Reduced parenthetical clauses in Romance languages - A pragmatic typology.
In Parentheticals [Linguistik aktuell/ Linguistics today 106], Nicole Dehé & Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 237-258.

SCHNEIDER, Stefan. 2010.
Parenthetical hedged performatives. In New Approaches to Hedging [Studies in Pragmatics 9], Gunther Kaltenböck, Wiltrud Mihatsch & Stefan Schneider (eds.), Bingley: Emerald. 267-287.

SCHNEIDER, Stefan & Julie Glikman. 2015. Origin and development of French parenthetical verbs. In Stefan, Schneider, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter. 163-188.

SCHNEIDER, Stefan, Julie Glikman & Mathieu Avanzi (eds). 2015. Parenthetical Verbs [Linguistische Arbeiten 557]. Berlin: De Gruyter.

SCHWYZER, Eduard. 1939. Die Parenthese im engern und im weitern Sinne. [Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften]. Berlin: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften/ Walter de Gruyter.

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SOMMERFELDT, Karl-Ernst. 1984. Zu Verdichtungserscheinungen im Satzbau der deutschen Sprache der Gegenwart (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Parenthesen). Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 37: 242-248.

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Review articles (by reviewed book):

Brinton 2008. The Comment Clause in English; reviewed here:
2009, in LINGUIST List, Vol-20-3994, by Daniela Kolbe.
2010, in Language 86(1): 214-215, by Andreas H. Jucker.
2010, in English Language & Linguistics 14(1): 129-135, by Nicole Dehé. (available here; search for "Dehé")
2010, in World Englishes 29(3): 442-445. (available here)

Dehé & Kavalova (eds.) 2007. Parentheticals; reviewed here:
2008, in LINGUIST List, Vol-19-1761
, by Chad HOWE. 
2010, in Studies in Language 34(1): 205-211, by Andreea S. CALUDE.
2011, in Language Typology and Universals (STUF) 64(3): 255-277, by Bernd HEINE.

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