Teaching & Supervision

Courses taught at the University of Konstanz:

(MA and PhD level)

Deep Learning with Python (co-teaching with Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt)

Text Processing and machine-learning technology with Perl (co-teaching with Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt)

Corpus Linguistics and Text Processing with Perl (co-teaching with Dr. Bögel)

Gaming with Python (teaching assistant; course taught by Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt)

Machine Language Processing (teaching assistant; course taught by Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt)

Statistics for Linguists (teaching assistant; course taught by PD Dr. Gerold Schneider)

External Courses

Computational Semantics (2-day Workshop, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)

Internship Supervision

Maike Rommel (2019): automatic extraction of question and word order patterns from the Icelandic Bible

Simone Reinke (2018): data preparation for automatic question classification (collection, formatting, cleaning, annotation, etc. )