
Past Conferences and Paper Archive

Past Conferences

Here is a list with some links to information about past LFG conferences. For up-coming conferences, see the main page.
Since 1996 there has been an LFG conference every year in June or July:

  • LFG2023 (Twenty Eights International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held at the University of Rochester, USA, 22-24 July, 2023 [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2022 (Twenty Seventh International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, 12-14 July, 2022 [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2021 (Twenty Sixth International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held Online, 13 - 16 July, 2021. [Conference Website] Proceedings to be published soon

  • LFG2020 (Twenty Fifth International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held Online, 23 - 26 June, 2020. [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2019 (Twenty Fourth International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, 8-10 July, 2019. [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2018 (Twenty Third International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 17-19 July, 2019. [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2017 (Twenty Second International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, 25-27 July, 2017. [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2016 (Twenty First International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference) was held jointly with the 23rd International Conference on HPSG, under the title `HeadLex2016' at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 25-29 July, 2016.
    [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2015 (Twentieth International LFG Conference), 18 July - 20 July 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
    [Conference Website] [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2014 (Nineteenth International LFG Conference), 17 July - 19 July 2014, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2013 (Eighteenth International LFG Conference), 18 July - 20 July 2013, Debrecen University, Hungary
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2012 (Seventeenth International LFG Conference), 28 June -- 1 July, 2012, Udayana University, Denpasar campus, Bali
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG2011: Sixteenth International LFG Conference, July 16-19, 2011, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG10: 15th International LFG Conference, 18-20 July, 2010, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
    [Conference Website]
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG09: 14th International LFG Conference, 13-16 July, 2009, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG08: 13th International LFG, Conference, 4-6 July 2008, University of Sydney, Australia
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG07: 12th International LFG, Conference, 28-30 July 2007, Stanford, California, USA.
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG06: 11th International LFG, Conference, 10-13 July 2006, Konstanz, Germany.
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG05: 10th International LFG, Conference, Monday July 18 to Wednesday July 20, University of Bergen, Norway.
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG04: 9th International LFG, Conference, 10-12 July 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand.
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG03: 8th International LFG, Conference, 16-18 July 2003, Saratoga Springs, NY.
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG02: 7th International LFG, Conference, National Technical University of Athens.
    [On-Line Proceedings]

  • LFG01: 6th International LFG Conference, University of Hong Kong, 25-27 June 2001,
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG00: 5th International LFG Conference, University of Berkeley, California, USA, (2000).
    [On Line Proceedings]
    (You might also be interested in the Proceedings of BFG2000: the Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference Workshops: Lexical and Constructional Explanations in Constraint-based Grammars)

  • LFG99: 4th International LFG Conference, University of Manchester, UK, (1999).
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG98: 3rd International LFG Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, (1998)
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG97: 2nd International LFG Conference, University of California, San Diego, California, USA (1996)
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • LFG96: 1st International LFG Conference, Rank Xerox, Grenoble, France (1996)
    [On Line Proceedings]

  • Publications pre-2000

    An archive of relatively early LFG papers from before the year 2000. Papers are provided in the original formats supplied by the authors, and in compressed formats generated by us, currently .gz (gunzip) for Unix, and .zip (pkunzip) for Dos/Wintel.

    The archive is closed to submissions. If you have something from pre-2000 that you think might be of interest and therefore worth including, contact Jessica Zipf or any member of the ILFGA executive.

    More recent papers and references can be found via the usual web-based channels, and in particular the LFG conference proceedings and in recent handbooks such as Dalrymple et al. 2019, Börjars et al. 2019 and Dalrymple forthcoming.

  • Ackerman, Farrell and Gert Webelhuth (1997):
    The composition of of (dis)continuous predicates: lexical or syntactic? [ackerman-1997-0000] | .ps.gz

  • Ackerman, Farrell and Phil LeSourd (1997):
    Toward a lexical representation of phrasal predicates. [ackerman-1997-000a]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Ackerman, Farrell and John Moore (1998):
    "Syntagmatic and paradigmatic Dimensions of Causee Encoding". [ackerman-1998-0000]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Andrews, Avery (1983):
    Constituent Coordination in LFG. [andrews-1983-0700]
    Abstract | pdf | | .pdf.gz

  • Bloom, Douglas B. (1999):
    Case Syncretism and Word Order Freezing in the Russian Language [bloom-1999-0607]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bodomo, Adams (1998):
    A lexical semantic analysis of faa complex predicates in Norwegian [bodomo-1998-0622]
    Abstract | rtf | | .rtf.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan and Annie Zaenen:
    (1990) Deep Unaccusativity in LFG [bresnan-1990-0113]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz | pdf | | .pdf.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1990):
    Monotonicity and the Theory of Relation Changes in LFG [bresnan-1990-1121]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1994):
    Category Mismatches [bresnan-1994-0326]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1994):
    Linear Order vs. Syntactic Rank: Evidence from Weak Crossover [bresnan-1994-0414]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1995):
    Lexicality and Argument Structure [bresnan-1995-1012]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1996):
    Morphology Competes with Syntax: Explaining Typological Variation in Weak Crossover Effects [bresnan-1996-0318]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1997):
    The Emergence of the Unmarked Pronoun: Chichewa Pronominals in Optimality Theory [bresnan-1997-0524]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1997):
    Mixed Categories as Head-Sharing Constructions [bresnan-1997-0621]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1998):
    Optimal Syntax [bresnan-1998-0322]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Joan Bresnan (1998):
    The Emergence of the Unmarked Pronoun II. [bresnan-1998-0712]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Bresnan, Joan (1999):
    Explaining Morphosyntactic Competition [bresnan-1999-0218]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Broadwell, George Aaron (1999):
    Focus alignment and optimal order in Zapotec [broadwell-1999-0602]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz | pdf | | .pdf.gz

  • Broeker, Norbert (1998):
    A Projection Architecture for Dependency Grammar and How it Compares to LFG [broeker-1998-0729]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Dalrymple, Mary, John Lamping, and Vijay Saraswat (1993):
    LFG Semantics via Constraints [dalrymple-1993-0000]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Dalrymple, Mary, Ronald M. Kaplan, John T. Maxwell, III, and Annie Zaenen (editors) (1995):
    Formal Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar CSLI Publications.
    pdf (it is a large file, so it may be a bit slow to load).

  • Dalrymple, Mary, John Lamping, Fernando C. N. Pereira, and Vijay Saraswat (1995):
    Linear Logic for Meaning Assembly [dalrymple-1995-0000]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Dalrymple, Mary and Ronald M. Kaplan (2000):
    Feature Indeterminacy and Feature Resolution [dalrymple-2000-0428]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Falk, Yehuda N. (1998):
    Unmarked Case [falk-1998-1230]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Falk, Yehuda N. (1998):
    On Pivots and Subjects [falk-1998-1231]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Her, One-Soon (1998):
    Lexical Mapping in Chinese inversion constructions [her-1998-1221]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Her, One-Soon and Hui-Ting Huang (1998):
    Locative Inversion: English, Chinese, and universal grammar [her-1998-1222]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Her, One-Soon (1998):
    Interaction of Thematic Structure and Syntactic Structures: On Mandarin Dative Alternations [her-1998-1223]
    Abstract | ps | | .ps.gz

  • Kaplan, Ronald M. (1989):
    The formal architecture of Lexical-Functional Grammar [kaplan-1989-0000]

  • Lee, Hanjung (1999):
    Discourse Competing with Syntax: Prominence and "Misplaced" QUE in Child French [lee-1999-0330]

  • Lee, Hanjung (1999):
    Markedness and Word Order Freezing [lee-1999-0610]

  • Lee, Hanjung (1999):
    Aspectual and Thematic Licensing of Grammatical Case [lee-1999-1205]

  • Lee, Hanjung (1999):
    The Emergence of the Unmarked Order in Hindi [lee-1999-1206]

  • Neidle, Carol (1996):
    Lexical Functional Grammar [neidle-1994-0000]

  • Nordlinger, Rachel and Joan Bresnan (1996):
    Nonconfigurational Tense in Wambaya [nordlinger-1996-0927]

  • Nordlinger, Rachel (1998):
    Complementizing case in Australian languages: A constructive approach [nordlinger-1998-1014]

  • Sadler, Louisa (1996):
    'New developments in LFG'. [sadler-1996-0000]

  • Sadler, Louisa (1998):
    Syntactic Clitics, the structure-function mapping and morphological blocking [sadler-1998-0415]

  • Sadler, Louisa (1998):
    Welsh NPs without Head Movement [sadler-1998-0815]

  • Smita Joshi (1993):
    Selection of Logical and Grammatical Functions in Marathi.Stanford Disseration.
    Zipped MS Word 5.0

  • Vincent, Nigel (1998):
    The evolution of c-structure: prepositions and PPs from Indo-European to Romance [vincent-1998-0525]

  • Vincent, Nigel (1999):
    Competition and correspondence in syntactic change: null arguments in Latin and Romance [vincent-1999-1209]

  • Wescoat, Michael (1989):
    Practical Instructions for Working with the Formalism of Lexical Functional Grammar [wescoat-1989-0000]

  • Williford, Sean Michael (1997):
    Two issues in the syntax of Welsh noun phrases: an LFG approach [williford-1997-1026]