Bild Tania Simeoni

Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CXXXV: September 2019

This is the 135th issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department in September 2019 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in August 2019.

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

in September

  • Anika Lloyd-Smith, Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Grazia di Pisa and Tanja Kupisch are presenting a poster entitled Operationalizing heritage language use in adult-aged heritage speakers of Italian and Turkish at the LAVA workshop "Capturing and Quantifying Individual Differences in Bilingualism", to be held in Tromsø September 2nd-3rd, 2019.

  • Regine Eckardt will deliver a plenary lecture at Sinn + Bedeutung 24, Osnabrück on September 5th, 2019. The talk will be In Search of the Narrator. Context, Discourse and Subjective Interpretation.

  • Andreas Trotzke will give the following talks:
    - Functional categories and that-exclamatives in discourse. Workshop: Functional Categories and Expressive Meaning. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, September 9th, 2019 (with Xavier Villalba).
    - Exclamatives are emotive assertions of intensity: New evidence from Greek and German. Workshop: Functional Categories and Expressive Meaning. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, September 10th, 2019 (with Anastasia Giannakidou).
    - ¡Mira! The grammar-attention interface in the Spanish left periphery. LAGB 2019. Queen Mary University of London, September 9th-12th, 2019 (with Laura González López).
    - Sequencing the discourse: PP-internal particles in Dutch. LAGB 2019. Queen Mary University of London, September 9th-12th, 2019 (with Liliane Haegeman).
    - Kleine Wörter, große Wirkung: Deutsche Modalpartikeln im Fremdsprachenerwerb italienischsprachiger Lernender. University of Salzburg (German Department), September 13th, 2019.

  • Regine Eckardt will present a joint work with Qi Yu at the 12th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 12) in Brno on September 12th, 2019. The talk will be on nur/bloß as a marker of extreme ignorance questions.

  • Anna Czypionka will give a Talk at the 12th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 12), September 12th-14th 2019, Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). The title is The role of context in the interpretation of imperfective aspect in Polish: Insights from offline and online (self-paced reading an eye-tracking) experiments  (Authors: Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Anna Czypionka, Joanna Błaszczak).

  • Carmen Widera will give a talk with the title Percepção e avaliação do uso de 'ele' em construções impessoais em português europeu (Perception and evaluation of the use of 'ele' in impersonal constructions in European Portuguese) at the 13th Lusitanistentag that will take place at the Universität Augsburg, from September 11th to 14th.

  • The paper The processing of prosodic cues to rhetorical question interpretation: Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistics evidence by Mariya Kharaman, Manuluolan Xu, Carsten Eulitz and Bettina Braun has been accepted for oral presentation at the "20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association INTERSPEECH 2019", which will be held in Graz, Austria, from September 15th-19th, 2019.

  • George Walkden will be presenting a poster on Studentsourcing annotation for Early Modern English at the Workshop on Annotation of Non-standard Corpora in Bamberg, 16th-18th September.

  • Antje Strauß will present a poster entitled Cortical entrainment in the alpha but not theta range predicts speech comprehension in noise at BryCoCo 2019, the annual conference on Brain Rhythms in Computation, Communication and Cognition, taking place from the 16th to the 18th of September in Tel Aviv, Israel.

  • Anna Czypionka will be at Linglunch, Université Paris Diderot, Paris to give an invited talk, September 19th 2019: The processing of question-sensitive discourse particles - long-distance licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics.

  • Sandy Ciroux will present a poster entitled A Word about Gestures at the 2019 conference in Cagliari (Italy), September 19th-20th.

  • Qi Yu will present a poster Domain widening yet: German nur/bloß in extreme ignorance questions at Semantics & Philosophy in Europe 11, Warshaw on September 20th, 2019.

  • K Sarveswaran, Gihan Dias and Miriam Butt will present a paper entitled Using Meta-Morph Rules to develop Morphological Analysers: A case study concerning Tamil at the 14th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP) that to be held on September 23rd-25th, 2019 in Dresden.

  • Antje Strauß will be giving a talk on The importance of tracking word and sentence onsets for speech comprehension in noise. Evidence from EEG at ESCOP 2019, the 21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, taking place from 25th-28th September in Tenerife.

  • George Walkden   will be giving a talk on Corpus comparability: some challenges at the workshop on Creating annotated corpora for historical languages in Cambridge, 26th-27th September.

  • Farhat Jabeen is going to give a talk in Phonetik und Phonologie (P&P15) conference to be held on September 26th-27th in Düsseldorf. The title of her talk is Recursive Intonational Phrases in Urdu/Hindi.

  • Katharina Zahner, Manluolan Xu, Nicole Dehé and Bettina Braun will also be giving a talk at Phonetik und Phonologie (P&P 15) conference to be held on September 26th-27th in Düsseldorf. Their talk is entitled Prosodic cues to rhetorical questions in Mandarin Chinese: f0, duration, voice quality.

  • Jasmin Rimpler, Katharina Zahner, Bettina Braun will present a poster at Phonetik und Phonologie (P&P 15) on Compression of falls in L1 Greek productions of statements and polar questions: possibilities for future research on L2 German prosody.

  • Angela James & Bettina Braun will present another poster at Phonetik und Phonologie (P&P 15) entitled A comprehensive comparison of native and non-native focus marking: the case of German L2-learners of English.

in August

  • Christin Schätzle gave a talk on Visualizing Linguistic Change as Dimension Interactions (joint work with Frederik L. Dennig, Michael Blumenschein, Daniel A. Keim and Miriam Butt) and present a poster on DiaHClust: an iterative hierarchical clustering approach for identifying stages in language change (joint work with Hannah Booth) at the ACL 2019 workshop "1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change“in Florence on August 2nd, 2019.

  • Worku Kelemework Birhanie (with Miriam Butt) presented a talk on on Automatic Amharic Part of Speech Tagging (AAPOST): A Comparative Approach Using Bidirectional LSTM and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) Methods at the 7th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST 2019) on August 3 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
  • Miriam Butt and Tina Bögel gave a talk in August at the University of Melbourne Linguistics Seminar on Urdu/Hindi Questions at the Prosody-Syntax-Pragmatics Interface (joint work with María Biezma and Farhat Jabeen).

  • Farhat Jabeen and Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie (University of Nantes) gave a talk in ICPhS' (August 5th-9th) satellite workshop on the "Intonational phonology of typologically rare or understudies languages". The title of their talk is Towards a phonological analysis of the rising contours in Urdu/Hindi.

  • Tina Bögel gave a talk on Frequency effects and prosodic boundary strength (joint work with Alice Turk, University of Edinburgh) on August 7th at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) in Melbourne.

  • A presentation entitled Towards an Optimized Paradigm for N400-Effect Elicitation in Single-Subject Applications of Carsten Eulitz and Anna-Maria Waibel took place at SNL 2019 - The Eleventh Annual Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference - in Helsinki, Finland, from 20th-22nd August.

  • Antje Strauß presented a poster entitled Cortical entrainment in the alpha but not theta range predicts speech comprehension in noise at SNL 2019, the annual conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language taking place from the 20th to the 22nd of August in Helsinki, Finland.

  • Henri Kauhanen and George Walkden presented at the RUSE Symposium in Manchester on When is a constant rate truly constant? A Monte Carlo power analysis of the logistic operationalization of constant rate effects on 21st August. Frederik Hartmann is presenting on the same day, on Investigating the phonological predictability of sound change using deep neural networks.

  • Andreas Trotzke gave a talk on Emphatic restrictions on V2 constructions across languages and clause types at the SLE 52 conference/University of Leipzig on August 21st-24th.

  • The following members of the department were presenting at ISMBS 2019, taking place in Chania, Crete from August 26th to 31st:

    - Marieke Einfeldt gave a talk entitled The acquisition of voicing/length contrast of stops in a trilingual child
    - Angelika Golegos presented a talk on The use of referential expressions by a trilingual German-Spanish-Catalan child

  • Anika Lloyd-Smith held a talk entitled Perceived accent in early bilinguals speaking L3 English: What drives transfer from the heritage language? at EuroSLA in Lund, Sweden from 28th-31st August, 2019.

  • Andreas Trotzke and Tanja Kupisch gave a talk on German particles in second language acquisition: A fresh look at the syntax-discourse interface at the EuroSLA 29 conference/Lund University on August 28th-31st.


Maribel Romero gave the course Questions at the DGfS Summer School 2019 - Experimental Pragmatics: Theory, Methods, Interfaces. Humboldt University and ZAS, August 5th-16th.

Natasha Korotkova taught a class entitled Speech reports at the 31st European Summer School on Language, Logic and Information, at the University of Latvia, August 5th-16th.

More News

We are very happy for George Walkden, who has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council. His project is about what happens when different languages come into contact with one another and how this may prompt changes to the grammar and syntax of those languages.

We congratulate Miriam Butt, who has been elected a member of the Academia Europaea (press release).

George Walkden has received funding from the Volkswagen Foundation for his project Linguistic forecasting. The funding will allow George to be free of teaching for 11 months, starting April 2020, so that he can write a programmatic and exploratory book on the extent to which it is possible to predict language change. Congratulations!

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Tina Bögel and Alice Turk. 2019. Frequency effects and prosodic boundary strength. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1014-1018.
  • Andrea Beltrama & Andreas Trotzke. 2019. Conveying emphasis for intensity: Lexical and syntactic strategies. Language and Linguistics Compass 13, e12343. doi:10.1111/lnc3.12343
  • Ryan Bochnak has published a co-authored paper in Journal of Semantics: Bochnak, M Ryan, Vera Hohaus & Anne Mucha. Variation in Tense and Aspect, and the Temporal Interpretation of Complement Clauses. (It is available open access here)
  • Eva Csipak has published Adverbial clauses and V3 in Linguistics Vanguard. (online access)

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Gregorc, Kaja: Language attrition in late bilinguals
  • Heinermann, Alena: Rhetorical and information-seeking questions in second language acquisition
  • Graham, Calbert R.: Constancy and variation in speech
  • Bahlo, Nils Uwe: Jugendsprache
  • Caviola, Hugo: Sprachkompass Landschaft und Umwelt
  • Goltsev, Evghenia: Typen und Frequenzen von L2-Merkmalen im Deutschen als Zweitsprache
  • Haselow, Alexander: Spontaneous spoken English
  • Timmis, Ivor: Historical spoken language research
  • von Wartburg, Walther: Französisches etymologisches Wörterbuch ; Bd. 13, T. 2 . To - Tyru
  • Fairon, Cédrick: Petit Bon usage de la langue française
  • Schwieter, John W.: Cambridge handbook of language learning
  • Gafaranga, Joseph: Bilingualism as interactional practices
  • Narcy-Combes, Marie-Françoise: Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World
  • Baumann, Beate: Kognition, Sprache, Musik
  • Consonno, Silvia: Congiunzioni italiane e altre parole difficili
  • Austin, J. L.: Zur Theorie der Sprechakte
  • Machač, Pavel: Principles of phonetic segmentation
  • Bouissac, Paul: Social dynamics of pronominal systems
  • Drager, Katie K.: Experimental research methods in sociolinguistics
  • Forouzani, Mohammad: Illustrative dictionary of semantics illuds
  • Sekerina, Irina A.: Bilingualism, executive function, and beyond
  • Kuhn, Irène: Antoine Bermans "produktive" Übersetzungskritik
  • Kim, Ronald I.: Dual in Tocharian
  • Orzechowska, Paula: Complexity in polish phonotactics
  • Modern Language Association of America: MLA handbook
  • Studi di grammatica italiana; Volume 36
  • Studi di lessicografia italiana; Volume 36 (2019)
  • Studies in language; Volume 42 (2018)
  • Transactions of the Philological Society; Volume 11

Bild Tania Simeoni