Vortrag | Kolloquien | Linguistik

Department Colloquium.: Gender Agreement Variation in the Afro-Hispanic DP

Thursday, 16. December 2021
11:45 - 13:15

G 307

Deaprtment of Linguistics

Sandro Sessarego

Gender Agreement Variation in the Afro-Hispanic DP: Aspects of Contact-Driven
Restructuring across Generations and Linguistic Domains

This talk analyzes gender agreement variation in the Afro-Bolivian Spanish Determiner Phrase. Results show a case of cross-generational change in progress, consisting of the systematic substitution of stigmatized basilectal Afro-Bolivian features with more prestigious Highland Bolivian Spanish ones (Sessarego 2014). This study embraces a theoretical framework capable of accounting for the variability of a process driven by social factors through a path that is highly constrained by syntactic ones (Sessarego 2021). Findings are further compared and contrasted with parallel studies on other Afro-Andean varieties: Afro-Ecuadorian Spanish and Afro-Peruvian Spanish (Sessarego 2013, 2015).
