PD Dr. Eva Smolka

I am interested in how experience with language affects cognition in the form of memory and perception. I am investigating language processing in healthy adults (monolingual and bilingual), language acquisition in children, and language loss in patients with aphasia. To this end, I am using interdisciplinary methods from experimental psychology, the neurosciences, and linguistics. 

Alpenblick von der Universität
Alpenblick von der Universität

"What is a Verb?"

From 26th to 28th July 2017 the internationale conference "What is a Verb? - International Conference on the Cross-Linguistic Comparison in Indo-Germanic and Semitic Languages (CoGS)", organised by Dr. Eva Smolka and Prof. Dr. Dorit Ravid, takes place in Constance.

New article in press

The article Can you reach for the planets or grasp at the stars? –Violated noun,verb, or preposition constituents in idiom processing in S. Schulte im Walde, & E. Smolka (Eds.), Who nicks the nickname? An interdisciplinary, cross-lingual perspective on the role of constituents in multi-word expressions is now in press.