PD Dr. Eva Smolka

I am interested in how experience with language affects cognition in the form of memory and perception. I am investigating language processing in healthy adults (monolingual and bilingual), language acquisition in children, and language loss in patients with aphasia. To this end, I am using interdisciplinary methods from experimental psychology, the neurosciences, and linguistics. 

Alpenblick von der Universität
Alpenblick von der Universität

"What is a Verb?"

From 26th to 28th July 2017 the internationale conference "What is a Verb? - International Conference on the Cross-Linguistic Comparison in Indo-Germanic and Semitic Languages (CoGS)", organised by Dr. Eva Smolka and Prof. Dr. Dorit Ravid, takes place in Constance.

Vortrag: "Wen wurmt der Ohrwurm?"

Der eingeladene Vortrag "Wen wurmt der Ohrwurm? – Die Speicherung und Verarbeitung komplexer Wortgefüge im Gedächtnis" vor der Wiener Sprachgesellschaft findet am 21.03.2017 statt.

Institut für Germanistitk, Sensengasse 3a, 1090 Wien