Photo copyright Gerhard Giebener/

Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CLXXXIII: September 2023

This is the 183rd issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department in September 2023 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in August 2023.

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

In September

  • The research group Complexity in Derivational Morphology: Theory and Theoretical Evidence is going to present two posters at the  AMLaP 23 conference in Donostia–San Sebastián, Spain, from August 31st to September 2nd, 2023. The programme of the conference can be found here.
    * Gupta, A., Redmon, C., Plank, F., Lahiri, A. & Eulitz, C. Complexity in affixation and word length in German word recognition: An ERP study.
    The study investigated the processing and decomposition of complex words in German.
    * Redmon, C., Gupta, A., Eulitz, C., Plank, F. & Lahiri, A. Morpho-phonological complexity and lexical access: An ERP study of English adjectives.
    The research was devoted to studying complex words in English.
  • Several Konstanz linguists are presenting at ICHL 26 in Heidelberg, 4th-8th September:
    * Sigríður Björnsdóttir, Lisa Gotthard, Chiara Riegger and George Walkden are giving a talk on The rise of raising in Early Modern English.
    * Henri Kauhanen, with international colleagues Deepthi Gopal, Christopher Kitching, Tobias Galla and Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, is presenting a talk called Correlations between linguistic features are reflected in their geospatial patterning: Introducing the geo-typological Sandwich Conjecture.
    * Gemma McCarley is presenting on Diachronic null subject use across Latin American Spanish: comparing corpora.
    * George Walkden is part of a panel discussion on linguistic models for understanding morphosyntactic change.
    * The conference also features keynotes by former Konstanz professor Aditi Lahiri and honorary doctor in our department Paul Kiparsky.
  • Maribel Romero and Maryam Mohammadi will give a talk in SuB 28, in Ruhr University (Bochum) 5th-8th September.
    The title is Polar Particles in Farsi: Anaphora in the Scoreboard Model of Discourse.
  • Regine Eckardt will present at Sinn und Bedeutung 28 (Ruhr University Bochum) on September 6th. Her paper is on Rhetorical question marking: German schliesslich. For more details check here.
  • Together with Oliver Watteler (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences), Ulrike Schneider will give a talk titled Can I publish my social media corpus? Legal considerations for data publication at the International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities in Mannheim, September 14th–15th.
  • At the Romance Turn conference in Madrid (September 19th-21st), Anamaria Bentea will give two talks:
    * Romanian children’s real-time comprehension and production of which-questions with and without number mismatch (with Theo Marinis)
    * Effects of Person mismatch on the comprehension of clefts in French (with Ur Shlonksy and Stephanie Durrleman)
  • Anamaria Bentea and Theo Marinis will also present at the RUEG conference 2023 in Berlin (September 26th-28th) on Syntactic Processing in Child Heritage Language Bilinguals.
  • Svenja Schmid and Miriam Geiss will give a talk titled Zur Intonation in Entscheidungsfragen im Kontext von italienischen Herkunftssprechern at the 38. Romanistentag taking place in Leipzig from 24th to 27th September.

In August

  • At the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Tina Bögel was part of two poster presentations:
    *The phonetics-phonology-syntax interface: a computational implementation. (With Romi Hill, Justin Hofenbitzer, and Tianyi Zhao)
    *Language redundancy effects on F0:  a preliminary controlled study. (With Cong Zhang, Catherine Lai, Ricardo Napoleão de Souza, and Alice Turk).
  • There were four posters from the department at AMLaP 2023 in San Sebastián / Donostia (Spain):
    * A verbal and non-verbal task battery for first- and second-order theory of mind - data from adults and primary school children from Germany and Greece.
    Anna Czypionka, Maria Andreou, Dafni-Vaia Bagioka, Angelika Golego, Theo Marinis, Eleni Peristeri, Arhonto Terzi
    *Wolf-hound vs. sled-dog: ERP evidence reveals that semantic constituent properties are accessed during compound recognition.
    Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman, Carsten Eulitz
    * Transfer effects or a learning mechanism? Pronoun resolution in adult L2 learners of German by speakers of null- and overt-subject languages.
    Anna Czypionka, Angelika Golegos, Lisa Hindelang, Gladys Laporte, Theo Marinis.
    *Processing which-questions in Romanian: A visual-world eye-tracking study with adults and children. Anamaria Bentea, Theo Marinis

More News

  • Andreas Trotzke gave a radio interview on WDR5 about the German phrase 'Alles gut'. The interview can be found here.
  •  Congratulations to Anna Czypionka who acquired YSF-funding for a new project Disentangling semantic and pragmatic processing in on-line sentence comprehension: Modal particles and their counterparts.
  • The members of the project MECORE taught a class called Semantic properties and combinatorial restrictions of attitude predicates at the 34th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information (July 31st to August 11th at the University of Ljubljana).
  • George Walkden is co-organizing a workshop (with Adam Schembri) on Sociolinguistic typology: advances and challenges at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) annual conference, 29th August-1st September 2023. George introduced the workshop with a paper on Sociolinguistic typology beyond morphology, and Raquel Montero presented in the workshop on Internal and External Causes of Change: A Diachronic Corpus Study of Mood Variation. Gemma McCarley also presented on Accounting for Orality in the Diachronic Study of Null Subject Use across Latin American Spanish.
  • In the new issue of the Cluster Magazine /In_Equality/ on the topic of Information, Language, Power, you can read articles written by several members of the Linguistics Department, including Miriam Butt, Regine Eckardt, Anika Lloyd-Smith, Tanja Kupisch, Sergio Zanotto, and Judit Vári. Enjoy reading!

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Yasar, R., Bergmann, F., Lloyd-Smith, A,. Schmid, S.-P., Holzinger, K. & Kupisch, T. (2023). Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway. "Ethnic and Racial Studies" (online access).
  • Bentea, A., Shlonsky, U. & Durrleman S. (2023) Towards a hierarchy of featural mismatch effects in the acquisition of A’-dependencies: A comprehension study with French children. “Proceedings of the 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development” (pdf).
  • Ömer Demirok (Boğaziçi) and Deniz Özyıldız published a paper called On the Prosodic Exponence of Universal Quantification in Turkish Relative Clauses in the Theoretical Studies on Turkic Languages special issue of Languages.
  • Trotzke, Andreas. 2023. Non-Canonical Questions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Wolf-hound vs. sled-dog: Neurolinguistic evidence for semantic decomposition in the recognition of German noun-noun compounds. Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman and Carsten Eulitz. to appear in “Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition, special issue `Animacy in Cognition: Effects, Mechanisms, and Theories”´.

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Lüke, Gabriele: Fragen in Fernsehinterviews - eine linguistische Bestandsaufnahme

Photo copyright Gerhard Giebener/