Photo copyright Timo Klostermeier/

Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CLXXXVI: December 2023

This is the 186th issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department in December 2023 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in November 2023.

Events at/by the Department

Department and Research Colloquium in December

14.12 Hatice Zora
(Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics): Relevance of prosodic information for spoken communication at the lexical and discourse levels: Evidence from psychometric and electrophysiological data

Department and Research Colloquium in November

02.11 Florian Hintz (Philipps University Marburg, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics): A closer look at prediction in multimodal environments: Examining variability across language users and the effects of iconic gestures
16.11 Jamie Findlay (University of Oslo): The continued relevance of rule-based semantic parsing in the age of deep learning: an introduction to the Universal Natural Language Understanding project
23.11 Ciyang Qing (University of Edinburgh): The syntactic and semantic landscape of emotive clause-embedding predicates: English and beyond
30.11 Ulrike Schneider (Universität Konstanz): Negation and modals in Early Modern and Late Modern English: A complex relationship

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

In December

  • Svenja Krieger and Georg A. Kaiser present a paper titled Correlating VSO order with subject positioning in Romance ‘why’ questions at Going Romance 37 in Nijmegen on December 1st, 2023.
  • Tina Bögel, Chiara Riegger and George Walkden will be giving a talk on The prosody of the Old English prefix ge- at the Sixth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology, 4th December.
  • On Tuesday, December 5th, 12.00 - 13.30 (EST) Regine Eckardt will give a talk on Sprache und Vertrauenswürdigkeit as part of the Japanese-German online lecture series Germanistische Linguistik und aktuelle Gesellschaftsthemen, organized by Prof. Klaus von Heusinger (Köln) and Prof. Yoshiki Mori (Tokyo).
    The presentation defends the hypothesis that markers of oral language are used as boosters of trustworthiness by German print media. Please check for more details, and on how to join the lecture. The talks will be in German.
  • On 6th December 2023, Tamara Rathcke is giving an invited talk to the SFB group “Information density and linguistic encoding” (IDeaL) at the University of Saarbrücken. The talk is entitled Individual differences in linguistic encoding.
  • Christin Beck will present a paper called GHisBERT – Training BERT from scratch for lexical semantic investigations across historical German language stage (joint work with Marisa Köllner, University of Tübingen) at the 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023 (LChange’23) which takes place on December 6th and is co-located with EMNLP2023 in Singapore.
  • Angelika Golegos will give a talk entitled Tell me a story - Child narrations as a tool for investigating the use of pronouns at the International Linguistic Winter School 2023 - Multilingualism: Research Methods and Educational Perspectives, from 13th to 14th December 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Angelika Golegos and Theodoros Marinis will give a talk entitled Children’s processing of pronoun ambiguity in Greek as a heritage language at the 16th International Conference on Greek Linguistics from 14th to 17th December 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • George Walkden is giving a talk on Partial null subject languages and D in early Germanic at the Diachrony of Pronominal Subjects Workshop, University of Oxford, 15th December, and at the New Trends in Language Variation (NEWTS) Workshop, Università di Padova (online), 20th December.

In November

  • There were four posters from the department at this year's Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 48)
    *Rhetorical questions in bilingual acquisition: optionality at the syntax-discourse interface. Maria Ferin, Miriam Geiss, Theodoros Marinis and Tanja Kupisch
    *Syntactic Processing in Child Heritage Language Bilinguals: An Eye-tracking Study of Which-questions in Romanian. Anamaria Bentea and Theodoros Marinis
    *Bilingualism Effects On Theory Of Mind In Children With DLD. Clémence Gordon-Dana, Anamaria Bentea and Stephanie Durrleman
    *The comprehension of clefts in French: what's Person got to do with it? Stephanie Durrleman, Ur Shlonsky and Anamaria Bentea
  • Sigríður Björnsdóttir and George Walkden presented at the Discourse Grammar/Sentence Grammar workshop in Wuppertal on 4th November with the title The rise of raising in Early Modern English.
  • On 9th-10th November, Nicole Dehé was in Reykkavík, Iceland, attending the kick-off workshop of the research project Regional pronunciation, attitudes and real-time change, chaired by Ásgrímur Angantýsson and Finnur Friðriksson, funded by the Icelandic Research Fund, of which she is a co-proposer. She gave a talk titled Icelandic prosodic phonology: previous research and available data.
  • Georg Kaiser and Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln) presented a paper titled Argument structure and object omission in Romance at the XI NEREUS Workshop ('Argument Structure in Romance’) in Bucarest (November 10th-11th).
  • Anamaria Bentea gave a talk on Myths/realities about multilingualism and practical tips on keeping multilingualism in the family to families in Karlsruhe at the Rumänisch-Deutsche Vereinigung in Baden-Württemberg. This was part of the project Scoala romaneasca Ilinca / Ilinca Romanian School funded by the Department for Romanians Abroad. The event took place on November 11th.
  • George Walkden gave an invited talk at the Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication on 16th November.
  • Anamaria Bentea and Theodoros Marinis gave an online talk entitled Which-questions with and without number mismatch: Comparing comprehension and production in Romanian monolingual children and adults at the 8th Bucharest Conference on Language Acquisition, Bucharest 17th-18th November 2023.
  • Theodoros Marinis and Elisabeth Süß gave the talk Bilingualism from an early age - how to reap the benefits of bilingualism on the 29th of November 2023 at the Jules Verne Campus, a bilingual school in Munich. The talk was part of the school's 10th Anniversary Lecture Series.
  • Miriam Butt gave talk in November on Sprache und KI as part of the Vorlesungsreihe Germanistische Linguistik und aktuelle Gesellschaftsthemen.


From 27th November to 8th December, Nicole Dehé, Meike Rommel and Christiane Ulbrich will be in Manitoba/Canada for data collection as part of their DFG research project Cross-linguistic influence in phonology: the case of heritage Icelandic. They will be based at the New Iceland Heritage Museum in Gimli, Manitoba, where they will be recruiting speakers of moribund heritage Icelandic.

More News

  • The Department of Linguistics says a big thank you and farewell to our Director of Departmental Administration (Fachbereichsreferentin), Dr. Carmen Kelling, who has supported us greatly over the past 17 years. We wish her all the very best.
  • Theodoros Marinis was an invited speaker and panel discussion member at the Think and do tank event: European Universities as actors in Multilingualism on the 6th October 2023 at Université Paris Cité organised by the European Alliance Circle U, where the alliance presented its achievements and recommendations for the future. The Circle U Alliance consists of Aarhus University, Humboldt University Berlin, University of Pisa, University of Vienna, University of Louvain, University Paris Cite, University of Oslo and University of Belgrade.
  • On October 20th the FOR 2111 and the Center for Multilingualism together with Forum Konstanz invited Gudrun Penndorf, the translator of Asterix into German to give a talk on her translation work: Die spinnen, die Römer! Wie Asterix und Obelix die deutsche Sprache eroberten…. The event at Hedicke’s Terracotta was flanked with two talks out of our own ranks, Georg Kaiser: Asterix, wie heißt Wildschwein auf Lateinisch? Sprachvergleichendes zu Fragesätzen im Asterix and Tina Bögel Glei platz e ---- i platz! - Pronomen im Schwäbischen Asterix.
  • There will be a production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest in English at Hedicke’s Terracotta on the evening of Tuesday December 12th, performed by the European Theatre Group (ETG) of the University of Cambridge, and co-hosted by Anglistik at the University of Konstanz. Tickets are on sale here.

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Komeili M, Tavakoli P and Marinis T (2023) Using multiple measures of language dominance and proficiency in Farsi-English bilingual children. Frontiers in Communication 8:1153665. (online access)
  • Hofweber, J. & Marinis, T. (2023). What sentence repetition tasks can reveal about the processing effort associated with different types of Code-Switching. "Languages" 8:70. (online access)
  • Olioumtsevits, K., Papadopoulou, D. & Marinis, T. (2023). Vocabulary teaching in refugee children within the context of the Greek formal education. "Languages" 8: 7. (online access)
  • Pontikas, G., Cunnings, I. & Marinis, T. (2023). Online processing of which-questions in bilingual children: Evidence from eye-tracking. "Journal of Child Language", 50(5), 1082-1118. (online access)
  • Schaeffer, J.s, Abd El‑Raziq, M., Castroviejo, E., Durrleman, S., Ferré, S., Grama, I.,Hendriks, P., Kissine, M., Manenti, M., Marinis, T., Meir, N., Novogrodsky, R., Perovic, A., Panzeri, F., Silleresi, S., Sukenik, N., Vicente, A., Zebib, R., Prévost, P., & Tuller, L. (2023). Language in autism: domains, profiles and co‑occurring conditions. "Journal of Neural Transmission, Psychiatry and preclinical psychiatric studies – Review Article", 130, 433–457. (online access)
  • Casalicchio, Jan & Georg A. Kaiser. 2023. Diachrone Stabilität und synchrone Variation der Verbzweitstellung in den rätoromanischen Varietäten. "Annalas da la Societad Retorumantscha" 136, 329–343. (online access)
  • Kinn, Kari, & George Walkden. 2023. Exploring Norn: a historical heritage language of the British Isles. In Sara M. Pons Sanz & Louise Sylvester (eds.), Medieval English in a multilingual context, 377-404. London: Palgrave. (online access)
  • Walkden, George, Juhani Klemola & Thomas Rainsford. 2023. An overview of contact-induced morphosyntactic changes in early English. In Sara M. Pons Sanz & Louise Sylvester (eds.), "Medieval English in a multilingual context", 239-277. London: Palgrave. (online access)
  • Walkden, George, Gemma Hunter McCarley, Raquel Montero Estebaranz, Molly Rolf, Sarah Einhaus & Henri Kauhanen. 2023. Sociolinguistic typology meets historical corpus linguistics. Transactions of the Philological Society, First View. (online access)
  • Booth, Hannah & Tianyi Zhao. 2023. A broader perspective on “basic” word order: ditransitives in Middle Low German. "Journal of Historical Syntax". 7(21), 1-63. (online access)
  • Müller, Natascha, Tanja Kupisch, Katrin Schmitz, Katja Cantone & Laia Arnaus Ggil. 2023. Einführung in die Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung (4. Auflage). Tübingen: Narr.
  • Ferin, Maria, Henrik Gyllstad, Ilaria Venagli, Angelica Zordan and Tanja Kupisch. 2023. LexVen: A quick vocabulary proficiency task for Venetan. "Isogloss". Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 9(1). (online access)
  • W. Breu, M. Pila (eds.), L’Aspettualità nel contatto linguistico: lingue slave e oltre [Aspektualität im Sprachkontakt] (= Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici; 53). Firenze: Firenze University Press. 2023. (online access)
  •  Pila, M., 2023. Aspektualität im Resianischen und die Rolle des Sprachkontakts. In: W. Breu, M. Pila (eds.). "L’aspettualità nel contatto linguistico: lingue slave e oltre" (= Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici; 53). Firenze: Firenze University Press, 129-158. (online access)
  • Pila, M., 2023. L’imperfetto resiano fra tempo, aspetto e modo [Das resianische Imperfekt zwischen Tempus, Aspekt und Modus], "Balcania et Slavia" vol. 3, Nr. 1 (2023), 81-125. (online access)

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Cristofaro, Federica de: Bilingualism and acquisition of modal particles: a multi-corpora study on "denn" and "schon"
  • Dantec, Mathilde: The influence of Breton syntax on French: the case of interrogative sentences
  • Kremnitz, Georg: Aufstieg und Fall der „kleineren“ Sprachen Europas: Die Veränderungen der Zielsetzungen von sprachlichen Renaissance-Bewegungen aufgrund der Veränderungen der Kommunikationsbedingungen
  • Meyerhoff, Miriam: Doing sociolinguistics: a practical guide to data collection and analysis
  • Hickey, Raymond: Life and language beyond earth
  • Pulido, Nabila: Multilingualism in the workplace: language & power dynamics
  • Axel-Tober, Katrin: On the nominal nature of propositional arguments
  • Alves, Ubiratã Kickhöfel: Second language pronunciation: different approaches to teaching and training
  • Fleischer, Wolfgang: Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache
  • Del Fiol, Maxime: Francophonie, plurilinguisme et production littéraire transnationale en français depuis le Moyen Âge
  • Pinter, Caroline: Mehrsprachigkeit und Identitätsbildung im Großherzogtum Luxemburg: eine sprachbiografische und diskurslinguistische Untersuchung im superdiversen Kontext
  • Heinz, Matthias: Silbentyp und Wortschatz im diachronen Sprachkontakt: Zentrum und Peripherie in phonotaktischen Systemen und im Lexikon romanischer Sprachen
  • Anthropological linguistics; 1.
  • Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen; 259. Band = 174. Jahrgang (2022)
  • Journal of English and Germanic philology; Volume 121 (2022)
  • Annual bibliography of English language and literature/publ. by the Modern Humanities Research Association; Volume 96 (2021)
  • L' Italia dialettale: Volume 84 = Serie 3, 20 (2023)
  • Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur; Band 131 (2021)
  • Zeitschrift für Katalanistik; Vol. 36 (2023)
  • Wiener slawistischer Almanach: Band 89 (2022)
  • Orientalia / Pontificium Institutum Biblicum: Nova series, Volumen 91 (2022)
  • Orientalistische Literaturzeitung/in Verbindung mit dem Institut für Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Band 117

Photo copyright Timo Klostermeier/