Photo copyright Gerhard Giebener/

Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CXCV: September 2024

This is the 195th issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department in September 2024 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in August 2024.

Events at/by the Department

in September

On September 5th to 6th takes place via Zoom the Workshop Large Language Models (LLM) for Linguists: a Practical Introduction.
The workshop is aimed at researchers in linguistics and the humanities who don’t regularly work with LLMs and it is meant as a practical introduction to the topic and to conducting research with LLMs.

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

In September

  • Chiara Riegger will be giving a talk presenting a joined work with Tina Bögel and George Walkden titled The prosody of the verbal prefix ge-: historical and experimental evidence at INTERSPEECH 2024 (Kos, Greece) on September 3rd.
  • Also Benazir Mumtaz and Miriam Butt have been accepted for an oral presentation entitled Urdu Alternative Questions: A Hat Pattern at INTERSPEECH 2024, to be held on Kos Island, Greece, from September 1st to 5th, 2024.
  • Philine Link will present the joint work with Massimiliano Canzi and Tamara Rathcke titled Individual Differences in Sensorimotor Synchronization and Pupillometry at AMLaP in Edinburgh on September 5th.
  • Philine Link will also present the work titled If it Moves Like a Person, and it Talks Like a Person, it is Probably an Avatar at AMLaP in Edinburgh on September 6th. It is a joint work with Duangkamol Srismith, Maria Alejandra Quiros Ramirez, Judit Vari, Susumu Shikano, Stephan Streuber, Tamara Rathcke, and Diego Frassinelli.
  • Hyewon Jang will present her joint work with Diego Frassinelli entitled Detecting sarcasm using LLMs when sarcasm is way too broad on September 5th at "Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing" (AMLaP ), taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • George Walkden is giving a talk at the University of Bergen in Norway on 12th September, as part of the Language Data and Language Change research group. The title of his talk is Sociolinguistic typology reevaluated.
  • Regine Eckardt will present at the workshop “Evidentials in non-canonical speech acts“, taking place at Siracusa (Sicily) on September 16th, 2024.
    Her talk is on The logics of inferential evidentiality.
    For more details see here.
    The workshop takes place as a satellite event to SuB 2024, September 17th - 19th at Noto (Sicily).
  • Laura Hund, Svenja Krieger, and Tanja Kupisch will give a talk on Perception of nasal vowels in L2 French through the lens of eyetracking on September 27th at the Frankromanistiktag in Passau.
  • Svenja Krieger will give a talk at Langues & Langage à la croisée des Disciplines entitled Prosodic aspects of discourse particles in L2 learners of French at Sorbonne Université, September 11th 2024, Paris.

In August

  • Alec Gallo presented a poster at the "Summer School of Linguistics" (SSoL 2024). The presentation was entitled Voices of Influence: How Accent and Ethnicity Shape Political Perceptions. The work is co-authored by Alec Gallo, Filipe Rebelo Baixinho, Judit Vari, Diego Frassinelli, Stephan Streuber, Susumu Shikano, Tamara Rathcke.
  • Anna Gupta presented a talk at the "21st International Morphology Meeting" (IMM21), 28th - 30th August 2024, Vienna (Austria). The program of the conference is available here. The talk was on the 28th of August, 2024: A. Gupta, C. Redmon, F. Plank, A. Lahiri & C. Eulitz. Disentangling morphological and phonological effects in the recognition of complex words in German.

More News

  • Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran (aka Sarves), substitute professor from the Department of Linguistics and the Computational Linguistics group, delivered a course on the Challenges of Processing South Asian Languages (together with Tafseer Ahmed) at the 35th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), held in Leuven, Belgium, from August 5th-9th, 2024.
  • Congratulations to Maribel Romero who was awarded with the LUKs-Price for best teaching! (more information)
  • Judit Vári and Tamara Rathcke were interviewed by the Spiegel about linguistic and other features of political charisma. The Spiegel article was published on 6 August and is available to read here.
  • Thesis work by Lukas Ratzer, a Masters student from the department, was accepted for an oral presentation at The Embodied and Situated Language Processing ESLP conference series taking place at the Freie Universität Berlin in the autumn. The submission is entitled Testing the connection between the syntax of language and the rhythm of music – is it real?

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Tamara Rathcke published a new paper in Music & Science: Rathcke, T., Falk, S., Dalla Bella, S. Why does speech sometimes sound like song? Exploring the role of music-related priors in the speech-to-song illusion. The paper is available open access and is accompanied by a short podcast by the co-authors.
  • Tamara Rathcke’s team published a new open-access article: Smit, E., Rathcke, T. (2024). The role of native language and beat perception ability in the perception of speech rhythmPsychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-10.

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Harald Haarmann: Auf den Spuren der Indoeuropäer: von den neolithischen Steppennomaden bis zu den frühen Hochkulturen
  • Fuhrhop, Nanna: Einführung in die Phonologie und Graphematik
  • Görtz, Marthe Luise: Influence of Turkish music on language attitudes and heritage language maintenance in Germany
  • Klabunde, Ralf: Linguistik: eine Einführung (nicht nur) für Germanisten, Romanisten und Anglisten
  • Basile, Carmelo Alessandro: Modality in contact: necessity and obligation in new englishes
  • Cabezas-García, Melania: The pragmatics of multiword terms: the impact of context
  • Breitinger, Corinna: Academic literature recommendation using semantic feature analysis
  • Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris; Tome 117 (2022)
  • Celtica / Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies; Volume 33, 34, 35
  • Modern philology; Volume 121 (2023/2024)
  • Rivista italiana di dialettologia; Anno 47 (2023)
  • Sprache im technischen Zeitalter; 61. Jahrgang, Heft 245-248 (2023)
  • Studia Neophilologica; Vol. 93 (2021)
  • Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung; Band 34 (2023)
  • Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik; Jahrgang 53
  • Oxford German studies; Volume 52 (2023)
  • Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik/in Verbindung mit der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik; Jahrgang 55, Heft 3
  • Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie; Band 141 (2022)
  • Bulletin of Hispanic studies / The University of Liverpool; Volume 100 (2023)
  • Hispanic review; volume 91 (2023)
  • Iberoromania; número 99 (2024)
  • Revista internacional de linguística iberoamericana; volumen 22,1 = N°1 (43)
  • Studi di lessicografia italiana; Volume 41 (2024)
  • Zeitschrift für romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik; 17 (2023)
  • Zeitschrift für Slawistik; Band 68 (2023)
  • Journal of cuneiform studies/publ. by the American Schools of Oriental Research: Volume 76 (2024)
  • Revue d'égyptologie/publ. par la Société Française d'Egyptologie: Tome 73
  • Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft: Band 173 (2023)

Photo copyright Gerhard Giebener/