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Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CXLVI: August 2020

This is the 146th issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department in August 2020 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in July 2020.

New to Konstanz

We welcome Wassiliki Siskou, who will be joining us as a researcher in the EXC 2035 project “Mobilising Inequality” as of August.

Events at/by the Department

Department and Research Colloquium in Juli

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

in July

  • Marieke Einfeldt, Rita Sevastjanova, Katharina Zahner, Nicole Dehé, and Bettina Braun gave a talk entitled Active learning systems as a solution for stimulus selection and data modelling in complex behavioural study designs? at the LabPhon 17 Satellite Worshop "Cue weighting: thinking outside the box" on July 5th.
  • Tamara Rathcke gave a talk entitled Is language rhythm in the ear of the beholder? A sensorimotor synchronisation approach to the cross-linguistic study of rhythm (co-authored with Chia-Yuan Lin/Kent, Simone Falk/ Montreal and Simone Dalla Bella/ Montreal) at the LabPhon 17 conference, in the session "Phonological Contrasts on the Margins". The discussion of the session took place July 6th.
  • Katharina Zahner, Marieke Einfeldt, Bettina Braun, and Nicole Dehé gave a presentation on Imitating alignment differences in German nuclear accents – is (L+H)* a category? at the LabPhon 17 Satellite workshop "Situating phonological contrast within the production-perception loop" on July 9th.
  • Sandy Ciroux presented a paper entitled How to Say Things with Hand Gestures, that will be published in the proceedings of SemDial 2020.

More News

  • We congratulate Tina Bögel who received a 1-year research stipend for a stay at the Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a project on "The integration of prosodic structure into computational grammars".
  • Larry Moss, Lasha Abzianidze, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Hai Hu, Thomas Icard, Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli and Hitomi Yanaka organised the 1st Workshop on Natural Logic and Machine Learning (NALoMA 2020) as part of WeSSLLI 2020 (Web NASSLLI). The workshop took place from July 12th to July 17th.
  • The LFG20 conference took place on-line at the end of June and featured the following Konstanz contributions:
    • Mary Dalrymple, Agnieszka Patejuk and Mark-Matthias Zymla. XLE+Glue – A new tool for integrating semantic analysis in XLE
    • Miriam Butt, S Rajamathangi and Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran. Mixed Categories in Tamil via Complex Categories
    • Tina Bögel and Lea Raach. Swabian ‘ed’ and ‘edda’: Negation at the interfaces
    • Hannah Booth. Syntactic configurationality and discourse configurationality in Old Icelandic: evidence from distributional differences across clause types

Video contributions and slides remain on-line.

  • Natasha Korotkova taught an invited class The notional category of evidentiality at WeSSLLI, virtually hosted by Brandeis University from July 11th to 17th, 2020.
  • The 4th MultiMind training school is taking place online from June until September. This training school is part of the EU project “The Multilingual Mind” that is coordinated by the Dept of Linguistics in Konstanz. The following courses were open to all interested:

    Katja Lubina (Leiden University)
    How to write a good grant-proposal, 10th July 2020
    Mental health during PhD and after, 16th July 2020

    Judith Kroll (University of California, Irvine)
    How bilinguals juggle languages? , 14th July 2020
    How to succeed in science & survive? , 15th July 2020

    Christos Pliatsikas (University of Reading)
    Impact of bilingualism on brain and cognition, 24th, 27th and 28th July 2020

    For more information and registration for the training school, visit:
    For more information about the project and its activities, visit:

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Bögel, Tina. 2020. German case ambiguities at the interface: production and comprehension. In G. Kentner and J. Kremers (eds), “Prosody in Syntactic Encoding”. Linguistische Arbeiten 573: 51-84. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Butt, Miriam, Jabeen, Farhat and Tina Bögel. 2020. Ambiguity resolution via the syntax-prosody interface: the case of kya 'what' in Urdu/Hindi. In G. Kentner and J. Kremers (eds.), “Prosody in Syntactic Encoding”. Linguistische Arbeiten 573: 85-118. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Aubanel, Vincent, Clemence Bayard, Antje Strauß, and Jean-Luc Schwartz (in press). The Fharvard Corpus: A phonemically-balanced French sentence resource for audiology and intelligibility research. Speech Communication (online access).
  • Kaiser, Georg A. & Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar. 2020. Zwischen Aussprache und Auslassen. Zur Verwendung der Subjektpronomina im brasilianischen Portugiesisch. In: B. Meisnitzer & E. Pustka (Hgg.), Zwischen Sprechen und Sprache / Entre fala e língua. Berlin: Lang, 209-236.

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Repp, Sophie: Syntax: eine Einführung
  • Paradis, Michel: Declarative and procedural determinants of second languages
  • Schalley, Andrea C.: Handbook of home language maintenance and development: social and affective factors
  • Abdelhay, Ashraf: Language planning and policy: ideologies, ethnicities, and semiotic spaces of power
  • Calderón Quindós, María Teresa: The Manifold Nature of Bilingual Education
  • Jackendoff, Ray: The texture of the lexicon: relational morphology and the parallel architecture
  • Precht, Richard David: Künstliche Intelligenz und der Sinn des Lebens
  • Voigt, Rainer Maria: 5000 Jahre semitohamitische Sprachen in Asien und Afrika: 5000 Years semitohamitic languages in Asia and Africa
  • Cabedo Nebot, Adrián: Prágmatica del español hablado: hacia nuevos horizontes
  • García Aranda, Ángeles: Lo que hablan las palabras: estudios de lexicología, lexicografía y gramática en honor de Manuel Alvar Ezquerra
  • Reichertz, Jo: Grenzen der Kommunikation – Kommunikation an den Grenzen
  • Colloquia Germanica; Band 50 (2017)
  • Zeitschrift für Germanistik; Neue Folge 29 (2019)
  • Language, cognition and neuroscience; Volume 34
  • Italian studies; Volume 74 (2019)
  • Rivista italiana di dialettologia; Anno 43 (2019)
  • Iberoromania; número 91 (2020)
  • Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik; 71 (2020)

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