Photo copyright: Gerhard Giebener/

Newsletter of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Issue CLVI: June 2021

This is the 156th issue of the Newsletter published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. It covers informations about the plans of the members of the department June 2021 as well as short reports about events, presentations, etc. in May 2021.

New to Konstanz

We welcome as a new department's member Moritz Jakob.

Events at/by the Department

in June

  • On June 10th and June 17th the project P6 of the RU will be (virtually) hosting a workshop on GAMs where Cesko Voeten (Leiden University, Fryske Academy) will share his expertise on the topic. The workshop will be divided into two sessions: A talk on the rationale and statistical theory behind GAMs on Thursday, June 10th from 10.00 to 11.30 and a hands-on session in which real problems related to the work in the RU can be discussed on Thursday 17th, also from 10.00 to 11.30. Anyone at the department who is interested is cordially invited to join the workshop. The Zoom link has been distributed via email or you can contact the members of P6.
  • The Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (COM2021) will take place online from 23rd – 25th June 2021 organised by the Department of Linguistics, the project The Multilingual Mind, and the Centre for Multilingualism.
    The programme of COM2021 can be found here.
  • COM2021 will be followed by the Symposium of the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM). The theme of this year’s symposium is Multilingualism in Higher Education in Europe (28th-29th June 2021, online). Within this symposium Prof. Theo Marinis from the ERUA consortium is coordinating the panel: Multilingual policies and practices of European University Alliances on Tuesday, 29th June, from 15.30-17.00 (CEST/UTC+2).

    Representatives from European University Alliances that have multilingualism as a priority will present and discuss how their alliance is addressing issues of language policies, plurilingual pedagogies, as well as other activities related to multilingualism. Participants of the panel are Prof. Dr Olaf Bärenfänger (representing the ARQUS University Alliance), Prof. Fred Weerman (representing the EPICUR University Alliance) and Dr Evdokia Karavas (representing the CIVIS University Alliance).
    The programme of the symposium can be found here. Registration is free, the link to the registration will be announced soon at the symposium web-site.
  • The lecture series The Multilingual Mind started again on the 13th April and will run until June 2021. The lectures take place every Tuesday from 17.00 until 18.30 (CEST/UTC+02). Please visit the MultiMind website for more information.

in May

  1. Carmen Widera with a talk entitled The use of impersonal il in modern spoken French: a micro-diachronic analysis at the workshop Syntactic Change in Progress (SCiP).
  2. Miriam Butt and Christin Beck presented their joint work with Ashwini Deo (Ohio State University) on Tracking Case Innovation: A Perspective from Marathi.
  3. Hannah Booth and Christin Beck gave a talk Information structure and word order change: verb-first and verb-second in Icelandic.

Department and Research Colloquium in June

10.06 Alexander Pfaff The Nanosemantics of Definiteness
24.06 Massimiliano Canzi Looking for the Phonological Mapping Negativity (in all the wrong places)

Department and Research Colloquium in May



Project P2 - Georg Kaiser, Svenja Schmid and Katerina Kalouli (P8) Word order variation in Romance (and German) wh-interrogatives (and declaratives)

Project P5 Self-Addressed Questions
20.05 James Baker and Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge) Extending Parametric Comparison: Some Preliminary Results
27.05 SFB planning meeting (only for department's members)

Conferences, Workshops and Presentations

in June

  • Julia Bacskai-Atkari will give a talk entitled Relative clauses in South Slavic and the predictability of morphosyntactic features at the 14th European Conference on the Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-14) 2nd – 4th June 2021, at the University of Leipzig.
  • Anamaria Bentea and Theo Marinis will give a talk at ISBPAC 2021 on June 3rd: Acquisition of Multiple Wh-dependencies in Romanian heritage children.
  • Tanja Kupisch will give a keynote at the Thirteenth Heritage Language Institute (University of North Carolina) on June 7th, 2021. The title of her talk is Heritage Bilingualism with (Dual) Bidialectalism.
  • Qi Yu, Aikaterina-Lida Kalouli and Diego Frassinelli will give a poster presentation at the Shared Task session of the workshop Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), June 10th, 2021: KonTra at CMCL 2021 Shared Task: Predicting eye movements by combining BERT with surface, linguistic and behavioral information.
  • Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli, Rebecca Kehlbeck, Rita Sevastjanova, Oliver Deussen, Daniel Keim and Miriam Butt will present their paper Is that really a question? Going beyond factoid questions in NLP at the 14th International Conference of Computational Semantics (IWCS 2021), taking place online from June 16th to June 18th.
  • Hannah Booth and Christin Beck will give a talk on V1, V2 and information structure in the history of Icelandic on June 18th at the 12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (NGL12), which is taking place online (organized by the University of Oslo).
  • Anamaria Bentea will present joint work with Stephanie Durrleman on Number mismatch and intervention: The case of relative clauses headed by celui/celle in French at The Romance Turn conference on June 18th.
  • María Biezma, Bettina Braun, and Angela James will (virtually) present a poster entitled The prosody of information-seeking and echo wh-questions in English at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference (PaPE 2021), June 21st-23rd, Barcelona.
  • Also Nicole Dehé and Daniela Wochner will present a poster at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021 (PaPE 2021). The title of their poster is Voice quality and speaking rate in Icelandic rhetorical questions.
  • Natasha Korotkova is giving several invited talks this month: colloquium of the English Department at the University of Stuttgart (moved from April), talk at the Oberseminar English Linguistics at the University of Tübingen, and an invited talk at the TripleA workshop for semantic fieldworkers.
  • Qi Yu will give a poster presentation entitled Compound-coinages as sources of attitudinal meaning at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), June 27th - July 2nd, 2021.
  • Anna Czypionka and Tanja Kupisch are giving an invited talk at the Methodology Workshop on the Testing of Genericity, June 28th 2021, NTNU Trondheim. Title: How to measure genericity: Felicity ratings, reaction times, corpora.

in May

  • Tanja Kupisch gave a keynote lecture at the XLVII Annual Conference of Linguistics in Tampere. The title her talk was Sound Systems in Contact: Consequences for Heritage Speakers.
    She also gave a guest lecture at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Verona. The title her talk was Acquisition Outcomes in the Sound Systems of Italian Heritage Speakers.
    Furthermore Tanja Kupisch gave a guest lecture at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto. The title her talk was The Missing Link. Perceived Accents in Russian-German school children.
  • Theo Marinis gave an invited talk at the Fachtag Grundbildung „Vom Projekt zum Programm: Nachhaltige Wege zur Förderung der Literalität in der Familie“ on Tuesday 4th May 2021 on the topic Die Bedeutung der Literalität in mehrsprachigen Familien.
  • Daniela Wochner gave an invited talk at the University of Leipzig, Institut für Germanistik, on the 4th of May.
  • Maria Biezma, Bettina Braun, and Angela James presented a poster entitled Prosody is adding what? at the digital conference Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 31, May 7th-9th 2021, at Brown University.
  • Kajsa Djärv gave a talk at SALT31 Composing attitude reports: why knowing people is not believing them.
  • Kajsa Djärv & Maribel Romero presented a poster at SALT31 (Non-)factive islands from (non-)necessary triviality.
  • On May 19th, Tina Bögel gave an invited talk on The prosody of Swabian pronouns: strong and weak forms at the interfaces at the roundtable on the prosody of function words at the Unversity of Frankfurt.
  • Kajsa Djärv gave an invited talk at The Edinburgh University Meaning and Grammar Research Group: TBD.
  • Anna Czypionka and Tanja Kupisch gave a talk at the NTNU Trondheim on May 28th 2021 on How to measure genericity.

More News

  • Tamara Rathcke (in collaboration with Diego Frassinelli and Stephan Streuber) received funding from the Cluster of Inequality to study political charisma. The project aims to understand how the perception of political charisma is influenced by social, ethnic and regional attributes of the speaker, potentially creating inequalities in the distribution of power in politics. This research will involve collaboration of linguistics with computing science, politics and political psychology. The project is currently recruiting a post-doctoral researcher - come and join the cross-disciplinary team!
  • Congratulations to Anna Czypionka who was awarded a grant from the Internationalisation Funding in the Excellence Strategy for hybrid co-teaching with N. Schiller at the University of Leiden (NL) in the autumn semester 2021.
  • Diego Frassinelli is a fellow of the 4th Intercontinental Academia on Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. In his project, he wants to investigate cultural aspects of language and to leverage interdisciplinarity to identify and model such very rich and diversified information with computational approaches.
  • The textbook Sprache und Kontext by Regine Eckardt, to appear in September 2021 with deGruyter, is nearing completion (see cover). It offers an introduction to pragmatics with special focus on German phenomena like the meaning of particles, information structure and word order, and the Jespersen cycle in historical pragmatics.
  • The Second Workshop on NAtural LOgic Meets MAchine Learning (NALOMA 2021), co-located with the 14th International Conference of Computational Semantics (IWCS 2021) and organised by Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli and Larry Moss, will take place on the 16th of June. Registrations for the main conference and the workshop are open!
  • May marked the beginning of the joint German-Russian research project "Russian in Germany Across Generations" (RuGGe). The German team is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Russian team from the Russian Department of St. Petersburg State University is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). The project investigates language transmission and change among three different generations of speakers of Russian in Germany: (a) grandparents who immigrated as adults to Germany, (b) their children who came as adolescents to Germany and (c) their children who were already born in Germany and can thus be considered classical heritage speakers of Russian. All three groups therefore represent different profiles with regard to their bilingual language acquisition. The expected results of the project will contribute to our theoretical understanding about first language attrition in immigration settings and the role of quality of input for heritage language acquisition. Another innovative feature of the project is that we adopt a holistic approach by including properties from several linguistic levels (phonetics and phonology, prosody, inflectional morphology, morphosyntax, syntax and lexicon). This design will allow us to check (a) for the (differing) degree of vulnerability of the investigated properties considering attrition processes and language change and (b) the importance of quality of parental input on language acquisition by the subsequent generation of speakers of Russian as a minority language depending on the investigated linguistic property.

    The project is scheduled for three years. The team in Konstanz consists of the project leader Bernhard Brehmer, the Post-doc student Tatjana Kurbangulova and the PhD student Olia Blacher. Tatjana joins us from the University of Greifswald, Olia from the University of Jena. Please give them a warm welcome!
  • The submission ‘Kindergarten’ versus ‘Gartenkinder’: EEG-evidence on the effects of familiarity and semantic transparency on German compounds written by Carsten Eulitz and Eva Smolka has been accepted for presentation at CogSci 2021 in Vienna.
  • Josef Bayer is invited by the Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik to present a series of six lectures in Kyoto and other Japanese cities in August/September 2021.
  • Prerna Nadathur will be starting a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Zukunftskolleg and joining the Department of Linguistics on 1st July 2021. She completed her Ph.D. in Linguistics at Stanford in 2019, and has since held research and teaching positions at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests are in semantics and pragmatics, including (quantified) conditionals, exceptive constructions, and causative verbs. Her most recent work centers on causal meaning, and in particular on how the representation and distribution of causal meaning at the lexical level drives inferential patterns that emerge at the sentential level, and in compositional interactions with modality and aspect.
  • Ramona Baumgartner is an invited speaker in a series of Online-Workshops about supportive measures for literacy development in early childhood and primary school for educators, teachers and parents. Original title: Familiy Literacy in der Grundbildung: Ein Workshop zur Förderung der Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten von Kindergarten- und Grundschulkindern und möglicher Unterstützungsangebote für Eltern. The next workshop in the series will take place on Thursday, 20th May 6-7.45 pm, information and registration here.
  • Ramona Baumgartner from the Centre for Multilingualism is now part of the coordination team of the European Reform Universities Alliance (ERUA). She started in March and will be the contact person for the faculty of humanities within the University of Konstanz. She is also working on the sub-group multilingualism together with Theo Marinis and ERUA partners. The first ERUA-calls are out, please check the ERUA-website and get in touch with Ramona Baumgartner for any questions and ideas.

Publications by Members of the Department

  • Hannah Booth and Christin Beck. 2021. Verb-second and verb-first in the history of Icelandic. “Journal of Historical Syntax 5(28)”. pages 1-53. (online access)
  • Kupisch, Tanja, Nadie Kolb, Yulia Rodina & Olga Urek. Foreign Accent in Pre- and Primary School Heritage Bilinguals. “Languages” (forthcoming).
  • Rathcke, Tamara, Lin, Chia-Yuan, Falk, Simone & Dalla Bella, Simone Tapping into linguistic rhythm, "Laboratory Phonology - Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology" (online access)
  • Cognola, Federica, & George Walkden. 2021. Pro-drop in interrogatives across older Germanic and Romance languages. In Sam Wolfe & Christine Meklenborg (eds.), “Continuity and Variation in Germanic and Romance”, 97-136. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (online access)
  • Jäger, Agnes, & George Walkden. 2021. Comparison and gradation in West Germanic. In Götz Keydana, Wolfgang Hock & Paul Widmer (eds.), Comparison and gradation, 281–348. Mouton Handbooks of Indo-European Typology 1. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (online access)
  • Zhang Ye, Rong Ding, Diego Frassinelli, Jyrki Tuomainen, Sebastian Klavinskis-Whiting, and Gabriella Vigliocco (2021). Electrophysiological signatures of second language multimodal comprehension. In “Proceedings of the 43th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society”. Vienna.
  • Frassinelli Diego, Gabriella Lapesa, Reem Alatrash, Dominik Schlechtweg and Sabine Schulte im Walde. Regression Analysis of Lexical and Morpho-Syntactic Properties of Kiezdeutsch. In “Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial). Online event”.
  • A paper by P1 was accepted for publication in the "Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020". Authors: Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz Title: Licensing Question-Sensitive Discourse Particles: Evidence from Grammaticality Judgments, Self-Paced Reading and EEG Studies.
  • Brehmer, Bernhard & Aldona Sopata. 2021. Word order in complex verb phrases in heritage Polish spoken in Germany. "Languages 6(2)", 70. (online access)
  • Długosz, Kamil, Aldona Sopata, Bernhard Brehmer & Raina Gielge. 2021. Cross-linguistic influence in simultaneous and early sequential acquisition: Null subjects and null objects in Polish-German bilingualism. "International Journal of Bilingualism", March 2021. (online access)
  • Brehmer, Bernhard. 2021. Slavic heritage languages around the globe. In: S. Montrul & M. Polinsky (eds.): "The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 13–44.
  • Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de and Christoph Schwarze. 2021. French de and en as expressions of the genitive case: a unified analysis within LFG and computational implementation in “XLE. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 37(1)” (online access).
  • Bentea, A. and Marinis, T. (2021) Not all wh-dependencies are created equal: processing of multiple wh-dependencies in Romanian children and adults. Applied Psycholinguistics.(online access)
  • Rehn, Alexandra. 2021. Loss, optionality and variation. Three case studies. In Kranich, Svenja & Brebant, Tine (eds.) “Lost in change. Causes and processes in the loss of grammatical elements and constructions”. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
  • Sarveswaran, K., Dias, G. & Butt, M. ThamizhiMorph: A morphological parser for the Tamil language. Machine Translation (2021). (online access)

Acquisitions of the Library

  • Auciello, Annalisa: Bilingualism is not black and white: realities of heritage speakers in the Lake of Constance region
  • Fu, Haomin: Language policy in a multilingual context in Macao
  • Colantoni, Laura: Second language speech: theory and practice
  • Bremer, Kai: Texte zur modernen Philologie
  • Poplack, Shana Borrowing: loanwords in the speech community and in the grammar
  • Elvira, Javier: Lingüística histórica y cambio gramatical
  • Kittler, Judith: Nähesprachliches Italienisch im Ruhrgebiet und in Catania: vergleichende phonetisch-prosodische Untersuchungen
  • Detey, Sylvain: La prononciation du français dans le monde: du natif à l'apprenant
  • Grković-Mejdžor, Jasmina: Diachronie - Ethnos - Tradition: Studien zur slawischen Sprachgeschichte: Festgabe für Anna Kretschmer
  • Werner, Heinz: The acquisition of word meanings: a developmental study
  • McCormack, William Charles: Approaches to language: anthropological issues
  • Sebeok, Thomas Albert: Approaches to semiotics: cultural anthropology, education, linguistics, psychiatry, psychology; transactions of the Indiana University Conference on Paralinguistics and Kinesics
  • Entwistle, William J.: Aspects of language
  • Chomsky, Noam: Aspects of the theory of syntax
  • Lindqvist, Axel: Deutsches Kultur- und Gesellschaftsleben im Spiegel der Sprache
  • Wootton, Anthony: Dilemmas of discourse: controversies about the sociological interpretation of language
  • Bauman, Richard: Explorations in the ethnography of speaking
  • Halliday, Michael A. K.: Explorations in the functions of language
  • Corkery, Daniel: The fortunes of the Irish language
  • Vossler, Karl: Frankreichs Kultur und Sprache: Geschichte der französischen Schriftsprache von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
  • Zwirner, Eberhard: Gesprochene Sprache: Probleme ihrer strukturalistischen Untersuchung; Dokumentation des 1. bis 5. Rothenberger Kolloquiums
  • Strobel, Leonie: Gesten und ihr Einfluss auf das Erlernen der Graphem-Phonem-Korrespondenz bei Vorschulkindern
  • Alexandre, Pierre: An introduction to languages and language in Africa
  • Sensine, Henri: L'@emploi des temps en français ou le mécanisme du verbe
  • Jespersen, Otto: Language: Its nature, development and origin
  • Whatmough, Joshua: Language: a modern synthesis
  • Giglioli, Pier Paolo: Language and social context: selected readings
  • Herdan, Gustav: Language as choice and chance
  • Hoijer, Harry: Language in culture: Conference on the Interrelations of Language and Other Aspects of Culture [held in Chicago from March 23 to 27, 1953]
  • Hymes, Dell: Language in culture and society: a reader in linguistics and anthropology
  • Pike, Kenneth L.: Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior
  • Fishman, Joshua A.: Language problems of developing nations
  • Whorf, Benjamin Lee: Language, thought, and reality: selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf
  • Weinreich, Uriel: Languages in contact: findings and problems
  • Sommerfelt, Alf: La langue et la société: caractères sociaux d' une langue de type archai͏̈que
  • Stalin, Josif Vissarionovič: Der Marxismus und die Fragen der Sprachwissenschaft
  • Vološinov, Valentin N.: Marxismus und Sprachphilosophie: grundlegende Probleme der soziologischen Methode in der Sprachwissenschaft
  • Dünker, Jeannette: Mimischer Affektausdruck und sprachliche Kodierung
  • Cherry, Colin: On human communication: a review, a survey, and a criticism
  • Jakobson, Roman: Phonological studies
  • Bloch, Maurice: Political language and oratory in traditional society
  • Kotthoff, Helga: Scherzkommunikation: Beiträge aus der empirischen Gesprächsforschung
  • Vossler, Karl: The spirit of language in civilization
  • Lüers, Grete: Die Sprache der deutschen Mystik des Mittelalters im Werke der Mechthild von Magdeburg
  • Kurath, Hans: Studies in area linguistics
  • Chomsky, Noam: Studies on semantics in generative grammar
  • Greenberg, Joseph Harold: Universals of language: report of a conference held at Dobbs Ferry, NY, April 13-15, 1961
  • Günthner, Susanne: Vorwurfsaktivitäten in der Alltagsinteraktion: grammatische, prosodische, rhetorisch-stilistische und interaktive Verfahren bei der Konstitution kommunikativer Muster und Gattungen
  • Hornscheidt, Lann: Wie schreibe ich divers? Wie spreche ich gendergerecht? ein Praxis-Handbuch zu Gender und Sprache
  • Jakobson, Roman: Word and language
  • Öhman, Suzanne: Wortinhalt und Weltbild: vergleichende und methodologische Studien zu Bedeutungslehre und Wortfeldtheorie
  • Linguistische Berichte; Heft 261-264 (2020)
  • Sprache im technischen Zeitalter; 58. Jahrgang, Heft 233-236 (2020)
  • Studies in language <Amsterdam>; Volume 44 (2020)
  • Muttersprache; Jahrgang 130 (2020)
  • Recherches germaniques; No 50 (2020)
  • English language and linguistics; Volume 24
  • Revue des langues romanes; 123 (2019)
  • Sprache und Gesellschaft: Beiträge zur soziolinguistischen Beschreibung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache
  • Romanische Forschungen; 132. Band (2020)
  • Studi linguistici italiani; 3. serie, 24 = volume 45 (2019)
  • Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie; Band 136 (2020)
  • Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain; 5,4

Photo copyright: Gerhard Giebener/