Publications and Talks

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Publication list

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  Peer-reviewed conference presentations
August 31st 2023

Transfer effects or a learning mechanism? Pronoun resolution in adult L2 learners of German by speakers of null- and overt-subject languages. Anna Czypionka, Angelika Golegos, Lisa Hindelang, Gladys Laporte & Theodoros Marinis. Architectures and Mechanisms in Language Processing (AMLaP 2023), BCBL Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain), poster

September 1st 2023

A verbal and non-verbal task battery for first- and second-order theory of mind - data from adults and primary school children from Germany and Greece. Anna Czypionka, Maria Andreou, Dafni-Vaia Bagioka, Angelika Golegos, Theo Marinis, Eleni Peristeri & Arhonto Terzi. Architectures and Mechanisms in Language Processing (AMLaP 2023), BCBL Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain), poster

September 2nd 2023 Wolf-hound vs. sled-dog: ERP evidence reveals that semantic constituent properties are accessed during compound recognition. Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman & Carsten Eulitz. Architectures and Mechanisms in Language Processing (AMLaP 2023), BCBL Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain), poster
09 - 14 July 2023

Sentence processing at the syntax-pragmatics interface: Interindividual variation and ASD-related psychological traits. Anna Czypionka. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (IPra), Brussels (Belgium), talk

25th - 26th 2022
Comprehension of pronouns in adult Italian and Greek L2 learners of German. Angelika Golegos, Lisa Hindelang, Anna Czypionka and Theo Marinis. Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium, University of Edinburgh (UK), poster
November 25 - 26 2022 Ein neuer Test zur Untersuchung der Theorie des Geistes für Kinder mit eingeschränkten sprachlichen Fähigkeiten - Daten aus einer binationalen Studie in Deutschland und Griechenland. Angelika Golegos, Maria Andreou, Dafni-Vaoa Bagioka, Franziska Baumeister, Anna Czypionka, Eleni Peristeri, Vasileia Skrimpa, Arhonto Terzi and Theo Marinis. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen (ISES) 12, Marburg (Germany), poster
September 30 - October 1 2022 Development and validation of a verbal and non-verbal False Belief task battery for Theory of Mind. Angelika Golegos, Maria Andreou, Dafni-Vaia Bagioka, Franziska Baumeister, Anna Czypionka, Theo Marinis, Eleni Peristeri, Vasileia Skrimpa and Arhonto Terzi. Language Disorders in Greek (LDG8), Thessaloniki (Greece), poster
September 15 - 18 2022 Is there an effect of partially overlapping script on cognate processing? Evidence from Greek heritage speakers living in Germany. Aikaterini Tsaroucha, Elisabeth Süß, Anna Czypionka, and Theo Marinis. 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 15), University of Belgrade (Serbia), talk
August 25 2022, Pronoun resolution in adult L2 learners of German by speakers of two different null-subject languages. Angelika Golegos, Lisa Hindelang, Anna Czypionka, and Theo Marinis. EuroSLA 31, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), talk
July 14–16 2022 Imperfective aspect underspecified for number: An eye-tracking study. Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Anna Czypionka, and Joanna Błaszczak. Psycholinguistics of Slavic Languages, University of Tübingen (Germany), talk
October 5-8 2021 Licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics: Theta-band oscillations reflect low semantic value of discourse particles. Mariya Kharaman, Anna Czypionka and Carsten Eulitz. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL 2021), virtually, slide slam contribution
May 15th 2021

Interpreting definite plural articles in Italian. Michela Redolfi, Sergio Soares, Anna Czypionka and Tanja Kupisch. 41st Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics AMGL41, University of Thessaloniki (Greece), talk

02/2020 Licensing question-sensitive discourse particles: Evidence from grammaticality judgments, selfpaced reading and EEG studies. Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. Linguistic Evidence, February 13th-15th 2020,  University of Tübingen (Germany), talk
09/2019 The role of context in the interpretation of imperfective aspect in Polish: Insights from offline and online (self-paced reading an eye-tracking) experiments. Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Anna Czypionka,
Joanna Błaszczak. 12th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 12), September 12th-14th 2019. Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), talk

Ongoing article grammaticalization in German: Experimental evidence and corpus data. Anna Czypionka, Anne-Sophie Hufer and Tanja Kupisch. Doing experiments with theoretical linguistics. April 4th 2019, University of Amsterdam, NL. poster

04/2019 Understanding categories: An assessment of the "verbal" P200 in ERP measurements. Joanna Błaszczak, Anna Czypionka, and Dorota Klimek-Jankowska. Doing experiments with theoretical linguistics. April 4th 2019, University of Amsterdam, NL. poster
04/2019 The domain of interpretation of perfective and imperfective aspect: Breaching theoretical and psycholinguistic approaches. Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Anna Czypionka, and Joanna Błaszczak. Doing experiments with theoretical linguistics. April 4th 2019, University of Amsterdam, NL. poster
04/2019 Licensing and Locality in German wh-questions with discourse particles. Anna Czypionka and Josef Bayer. Doing experiments with theoretical linguistics. April 4th 2019, University of Amsterdam, NL. talk.
03/2019 Comparing licensing processes at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Anna Czypionka, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. 32nd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29th-31st 2019, Boulder, CO, USA.poster.
06/2017 Can deverbal nominalizations be more verbal than finite verbs? New evidence from EEG recordings. Joanna Blaszczak, Anna Czypionka, Dorota Klimek-Jankowska. The 7th Workshop on Nominalizations / JENom7, June 1-2, 2017. Universität Fribourg. talk.
05/2017 The processing of perfective and imperfective aspect in Polish: Evidence from eye-tracking and self-paced reading experiments. Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Anna Czypionka, Joanna Blaszczak. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 26), May 19 - May 21, 2017, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. talk





The licensing of discourse particles in complex questions: Evidence from graded judgments and event-related potentials. Anna Czypionka, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero & Carsten Eulitz. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 30 - April 1, 2017, MIT Cambridge (MA)
12/2016 Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Joanna Blaszczak & Anna Czypionka (Wroclaw / Konstanz), Accessing the complexity of event structure in an aspectually complex language - experimental evidence from Polish, Workshop on Formal and Experimental Semantics; Teil von Formal Descriptions of Slavic Languages, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität. 7 December 2016, talk
09/2016 Czypionka, A. & Lauer, S. Temporal implicatures and world knowledge interact rapidly during sentence comprehension. Logic in Language and in Conversation (LogiCon) workshop, Universiteit Utrecht, September 19-20, poster
09/2016 Czypionka, A. & Golcher, F. & Eulitz, C. & Bayer, J. Discontinuous particle verbs in German sentence comprehension. AMLAP 2016, Bilbao, Spain, poster
09/2016 Klimek-Jankowska, D. & Czypionka, A. & Blaszczak, J. Processing correlates of semantic complexity and markedness in languages with perfective / imperfective opposition. AMLAP 2016, Bilbao, Spain, poster
09/2016 Czypionka, A. & Lauer, S. This week, but not next: Temporal implicatures and their interplay with world knowledge during language comprehension. AMLAP 2016, Bilbao, Spain, poster
03/2016 Czypionka, A. & Eulitz, C. Case marking affects the processing of animacy with simple verbs, but not particle verbs: An event-related potential study. Czypionka, Anna and Eulitz, Carsten. The syntax of argument structure: empirical advancements and theoretical relevance. 38th DGfS Tagung, Konstanz, Germany, poster
02/2016 Strinzel, M. & Czypionka, A. Category-specific effects in word recognition of German compound words: Animacy boosts the lexical access of compounds and their components. Linguistic Evidence 2016, Tübingen, Germany, poster
11/2015 Noun? Verb? Both? Neither? - Psycholinguistic research on the processing of nominalizations. Blaszczak, J. and Czypionka, A. and Klimek-Jankowska, D. A special linguistic workshop on categories, aspect, verbal predicates and nominalization. Wroclaw, Poland, talk
09/2015 Czypionka, A. & Bader, M. & Bayer, J. Case attraction and the role of lexical case. Workshop `Insufficient strength to defend its case': Case attraction and related phenomena, University of Wroclaw, Poland, talk
07/2015 Czypionka, Anna & Eulitz, Carsten. Do all verbs mind animate objects? ERP evidence for different influences of animacy on morphologically simple and complex verbs. XII International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Valencia (Spain), talk
07/2015 Dörre, Laura & Czypionka, Anna & Trotzke, Andreas & Bayer, Josef. The Non-At-Issue and At-Issue Meaning of Modal Particles and their Counterparts. XII International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Valencia (Spain), talk
07/2015 Czypionka, Anna & Dörre, Laura & Bayer, Josef. Two wrongs make one right: Case attraction weakens garden-path effects in comprehension. XII International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Valencia (Spain), poster
07/2015 Błaszczak, Joanna & Gulgowski, Piotr & Klimek-Jankowska, Dorota & Czypionka, Anna. Negotiating the noun-verb borders - psycholinguistic research on the processing of nominalizations. Categories in Grammar - Criteria and Limitations. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany), talk
03/2015 Dörre, Laura & Trotzke, Andreas & Czypionka, Anna & Bayer, Josef (2015). The At-Issue and Non-At-Issue Meaning of Modal Particles and their Counterparts. 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Los Angeles (USA), poster
06/2012 Object animacy and transitivity in sentence processing. Czypionka et al., Psycholinguistics in Flanders, Nijmegen (Netherlands), talk
03/2012 Object animacy effects in more or less transitive sentences. Czypionka et al., CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New York (USA), poster
02/2010 Different effects of object animacy on the processing of "more or less" transitive verbs. Czypionka et al., Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen (Germany), poster  
  Invited Talks
May 10th 2022 Interindividual differences in licensing at the interfaces - new data and first conclusions. Anna Czypionka, Language in Autism meeting, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
April 8th 2022 Sentence processing at the syntax-pragmatics interface: The role of ASD-related psychological
measures. Anna Czypionka, ACLC Group meeting, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
October 14th 2021 Licensing at the interfaces - question-sensitive discourse particles and negative polarity items in sentence comprehension. Anna Czypionka, Language and Cognition Group meeting, University of Leiden, Leiden (the Netherlands).
October 11th 2021 Interindividual differences in licensing at the interfaces - preliminary data and planned experiments. Anna Czypionka, Language in Autism meeting, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
May 28th 2021

Measuring genericity: Felicity ratings, reaction times, and corpus studies. Anna Czypionka and Tanja Kupisch. Methodology workshop on the testing of genericity, organized by the AcqVA group at NTNU (Norway)


Assessing linguistic illusions at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Anna Czypionka, Expert talk for MA and Ph.D. students, Faculty of Philology, University of Wroclaw, Poland.


Question-sensitive discourse particles in German: Licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Data from rating and EEG studies. Anna Czypionka, presenting joint work with Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. June 5th, Grammar and Cognition meeting, University of Amsterdam


Wh-words as licensers for question-sensitive discourse particles. Anna Czypionka. Dimensions of wh-words: A German-Italian question time. May 6th-8th 2019, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, IT



On the processing of grammatical aspect in Polish: Evidence from self-paced reading and eye-tracking experiments. Klimek-Jankowska, D. and Czypionka, A. and Blaszczak, J. and Witkowski W. Expert meeting 2 of the project "Time in Translation: the semantics of the PERFECT", University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
July 20th 2017 Please wait until the very end - Split particle verbs in German sentence comprehension. Czypionka, A., Golcher, F. and Eulitz, C. CRC colloquium, Düsseldorf (Germany)
July 19th 2017 Temporal implicatures in sentence comprehension - Evidence from acceptability ratings and self-paced reading times. Czypionka, A. and Lauer, S. , SEMPRE colloquium, Düsseldorf (Germany)
March 30th 2016 Lexical Case-Marking in Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from German. Czypionka, A. CAT lecture, University of Cyprus 
12/2015 Processing of discontinuous verbs in German. The role of particles for Case licensing. Czypionka, A. Psycholinguistic Workshop in Wroclaw. Center for General and Comparative Linguistics, Uniwersytet Wroclawski (Poland)
03/2013 Noncanonical case marking and argument animacy in sentence comprehension, Evidence from German. Czypionka et al., Center for General and Comparative Linguistics, Uniwersytet Wroclawski (Poland)
06/2012 Object animacy and transitivity in sentence processing. Czypionka et al., Grammar and Cognition Group, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Netherlands)