Conference registration is open now!
Registration fees:
- In-person attendance: 40.00€
- Online attendance: 25.00€
Lunch and coffee will be included on both days. The conference dinner costs are not included in the registration fee. The expected cost is around €40 per person.
Registration window: July 15th, 2023 - September 15th, 2023
Registration process
In order to officially register for the conference, you have to complete the following steps:
1. Fill in the Google form:
2. Pay the conference fee to the following account:
!!! Please pay particular attention to the bank transfer reference/description: "FP 418/23 Hund, Workshop Multilingual Acquisition"
Empfänger / Account holder: Universitätskasse Konstanz
Bankinstitut / Bank Institute: BW-Bank Konstanz
IBAN: DE92 6005 0101 7486 5012 74
Verwendungszweck/ Bank transfer reference or description: FP 418/23 Hund, Workshop Multilingual Acquisition