Vortrag | Kolloquien | Linguistik

Fachbereichskolloquium: From sound to meaning: The neuropragmatics of prosody

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022
11:45 bis 13:15 Uhr

G 307

Veranstaltet von
Fachbereich Linguistik

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Daniela Sammler

During verbal communication, humans regularly decode not only what is said but also why. Pragmatic theory posits that it is particularly the why – the communicative intention (illocution) of speakers – that drives the recipient’s reactions (Grice, 1957). Intonational phonologists (Bolinger, 1986) and developmental psychologists (Malloch & Trevarthen, 2009) have long been aware of the importance of prosody for communicating social-relational (illocutionary) meaning.
